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#1 2010-07-25 04:57:36

Registered: 2010-07-18
Posts: 19

Having some issues with 'urxvt.depth: 32'. It works, but it's wonky.

I'm using AwesomeWM and I set 'urxvt.depth: 32' in my .Xdefaults so I could have true transparency.  It works, but the colors are displayed differently, and the border has alpha to it now instead of being solid.  Here's the relevant parts of .Xdefaults for 24:

URxvt.transparent:  true
 URxvt.scrollBar:    false
 URxvt.saveLines:    32767
 URxvt.cursorBlink:  true
 URxvt.cursorColor:  #FFFFFF
 URxvt.color:        #FFFFFF
 URxvt.shading:      30
 URxvt.tintcolor:    #151515
 URxvt.depth:        24

and here's my .Xdefaults for 32:

! URxvt.transparent:  true
 URxvt.scrollBar:    false
 URxvt.saveLines:    32767
 URxvt.cursorBlink:  true
 URxvt.cursorColor:  #FFFFFF
 URxvt.color:        #FFFFFF
 URxvt.shading:      30
 URxvt.tintcolor:    #151515
 URxvt.depth:        32

here's a screencap comparing them.  The bottom two are using urxvt.depth:24 and the top urxvt.depth:32.  You'll notice the 32 terminal has a transparent border while the bottom 2 do not.  I've tested just about every variable in the above blocks of code and it's only the urxvt.depth that does it (you have to change urxvt.transparent to get true trans, also, inherit pixmap changes nothing with 24 vs 32).

click image to view fullsize

So basically:  How can I get my terminal to have true transparency while looking like the terminals with depth of 24? (solid borders and darker)


#2 2010-07-25 05:03:45

From: WI, USA
Registered: 2010-03-16
Posts: 203

Re: Having some issues with 'urxvt.depth: 32'. It works, but it's wonky.

You can use

urxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/dddd

to change the level of transparency (replace dddd with whatever you like).  That should solve the darkness issue.

As for the borders, I dunno.  It does it to me too in pretty much every tiling wm I've tried it with.


#3 2010-07-25 05:14:50

Registered: 2010-07-18
Posts: 19

Re: Having some issues with 'urxvt.depth: 32'. It works, but it's wonky.

=\...I really want those borders.

Just an FYI though, you can use the hex values and still get alpha by:

urxvt.background: [50]#FFFFFF

and replace 50 with whatever you like.

Last edited by 23450987643 (2010-07-25 05:15:18)


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