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#1 2010-08-10 23:57:31

From: Tempe, Arizona, USA
Registered: 2010-03-23
Posts: 256

Conky takes forever to load while in PekWM Harbour (dock) [SOLVED]

Hey guys, I recently put Conky in my Harbour in PekWM (the PekWM equivalent of a dock), and its taking around 10 minutes to load each time, some times more.

Here's my .conkyrc:

#  Settings
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont TitilliumText15L:size=7
xftalpha 1
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent no
own_window_colour f1f1f1
own_window_type dock
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
double_buffer no
minimum_size  1180 32
maximum_width 1180
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
default_color black
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color black
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale yes
#  Output
${color 454545}${exec date +%H:%M:%S} ${color 454545}cpu:$color ${freq_g}Ghz ${cpubar 4,50}$color ($cpu)${color 454545} |ram:$color ${membar 4,50}${color 454545} |network:$color ${upspeed wlan0} up, ${downspeed wlan0} down, ${totaldown wlan0} downloaded${color 454545} |temp:$color $acpitemp c
${color 454545}battery:$color ${color b20000}${battery_bar 4,50 BAT0}${color 454545} | w/r:$color$diskio_write $diskio_read | usage:${fs_bar 4,50 /dev/sda3} |mpd:${mpd_title} by ${mpd_artist} on ${mpd_album} (${mpd_elapsed} / ${mpd_length}) |repos:${execpi 3600 paconky ~/.scripts/repos.paconky} |aur:${execpi 3600 paconky ~/.scripts/aur.paconky}

That's all I can think of posting to give you an idea on how to fix it.  I'll post more if requested.

EDIT: Solved, the problem was due to the fact that my internet connection was saturated, bringing the upload speed down to 0.21 megabit, and I was using commands in conky that depended on the network.

Last edited by kmason (2010-08-11 15:09:40)


#2 2010-08-11 03:04:40

From: an Island in the Pacific...
Registered: 2009-12-10
Posts: 1,087

Re: Conky takes forever to load while in PekWM Harbour (dock) [SOLVED]

tried double buffer and a different xft font?

Philosophy is looking for a black cat in a dark room. Metaphysics is looking for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there. Religion is looking for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there and shouting "I found it!". Science is looking for a black cat in a dark room with a flashlight.


#3 2010-08-11 03:48:25

From: Tempe, Arizona, USA
Registered: 2010-03-23
Posts: 256

Re: Conky takes forever to load while in PekWM Harbour (dock) [SOLVED]

Yes, I have.

EDIT: It just popped up.  Might have been related to the fact that my network was saturated a short while ago.

Last edited by kmason (2010-08-11 03:50:18)


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