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#1 2010-08-15 16:57:30

Registered: 2008-09-01
Posts: 135

Using metadata (XML?) and RCS for maintaining documents

Discussions about documents don't usually belong in a programming forum, but for this I felt none of the other categories were more appropriate.

For the past few years I've been managing my resume and cover letters using Open Office.  Although I don't update my resume often, I still can't help but feel like there must be a better way.  Yesterday I installed texlive-core and, following online LaTeX tutorials, I spent some time experimenting with the TeX syntax and creating a simple Makefile for generating different output formats (dvi, pdf, etc.).  It was about what I expected, and being plain text would be easy to manage using git, but it's still not quite what I'm after; I think what I really want is to separate the data from the formatting not only logically, but also "physically" so that the data is contained in a file separate from the formatting.

This was when I had the idea of using a markup language with stylesheets to manage my resume and cover letters.  It would be great if I could maintain my resume data in one file and use different stylesheets for displaying the resume on a webpage, as plain text, or in a portable document format such as DVI or PDF.  Is this common practice, and how is it typically done?  Is it easy to generate quality printable documents using this method?  I have rudimentary experience with HTML and CSS, but I'm more than willing to learn XML and XSLT if that is the best route to go (I suspect it is, but I could be wrong).  Please let me know about your opinions or experiences.


Last edited by cmtptr (2010-08-15 20:10:21)


#2 2010-08-15 17:08:09

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: Using metadata (XML?) and RCS for maintaining documents

XML and XSLT are separate, but they're not suitable for printing / pdf generation - LaTeX is. XML is really fluid and has no notions of typesetting built in. It's perfect for on-line reports you view with a web browser.


#3 2010-08-22 14:27:08

Registered: 2008-09-01
Posts: 135

Re: Using metadata (XML?) and RCS for maintaining documents

karol wrote:

XML and XSLT are separate, but they're not suitable for printing / pdf generation - LaTeX is. XML is really fluid and has no notions of typesetting built in. It's perfect for on-line reports you view with a web browser.

Can I ask why XML and XSLT aren't suitable for printing / pdf generation?  Using XSL-FO I can define a page size, margin widths, etc., right?  Just because it isn't normally done doesn't immediately make it a bad idea.  I was under the impression that XML was intended to be abstract enough that it could be used for more than just web pages or data transfer.


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