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I want to use crark with CUDA (crark-cuda-latest from AUR) but
raunz@fuckup ~]$ crark --help
crark: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
[raunz@fuckup ~]$ yaourt -Qs cuda
==> Query installed packages
local/crark-cuda-latest 3.3-2
local/cuda 3.1-5
local/cuda-sdk 3.1-3
local/cuda-toolkit 3.1-4
Whats the problem?
Last edited by raunz (2010-08-18 17:19:10)
install lib32-nvidia-utils
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Now this
[raunz@fuckup ~]$ crark --help
crark: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
Isn't there any other way except installing bin32/lib32 packages?
Would it work to compile it under a 32Bit chroot?
Last edited by raunz (2010-08-18 16:07:55)
Yes it is possible. I have worked with cuda under a 32 bits chroot a few months ago. Just follow the usual instructions to create a chroot and install nvidia-utils (the complete nvidia driver is not requiered for the chroot).
Now running under 32bit chroot
[$a $A $1] *
-> brute lowercase, uppercase and digits
[raunz@fuckup ~]$ schroot -p -- crark -p/usr/share/crark/password.def Desktop/test.rar
cRARk 3.3a (CUDA enabled) Freeware
Copyright 1995-2001, 2006-10 by P. Semjanov,
portions (c) 1993-2005 Eugene Roshal
(c) PSW-soft Password Cracking Library PCL v. 2.0d by P. Semjanov
Testing archive Desktop/test.rar : version 2.9
Testing xupper-setup.exe
CUDA device GeForce GTS 250 found, CUDA cores = 128, GPU rate = 0,53
Choosing best crypto functions.............................................................
Chosen: ASM (Northwood/Core 2/iX), SSE2 (Core 2/iX) (-f1555)
Ticks per password expected = 13786387, theoretical = 27000000, CPU rate = 1,96
Processing line 59 of password definition file...
Testing 1-chars passwords ...
Testing 2-chars passwords ...
File rarcrypt1.dll not found - this CUDA architecture not yet supported
cudaModuleLoad failed: Unknown error
Testing 3-chars passwords ...
File rarcrypt1.dll not found - this CUDA architecture not yet supported
cudaModuleLoad failed: Unknown error
Testing 4-chars passwords ...
File rarcrypt1.dll not found - this CUDA architecture not yet supported
cudaModuleLoad failed: Unknown error
Testing 5-chars passwords ...
File rarcrypt1.dll not found - this CUDA architecture not yet supported
cudaModuleLoad failed: Unknown error
Passwords tested = 62 (time = 00,31, rate = 203 p/s)
Total tested = 62, slow tests = 9
Password not found
Total passwords tested = 62, slow tests = 9
"CUDA device GeForce GTS 250 found"
"File rarcrypt1.dll not found - this CUDA architecture not yet supported
cudaModuleLoad failed: Unknown error"
I don't get it.
Last edited by raunz (2010-08-18 17:21:28)
I found rarcrypt1.dll ... its located in the installation dir of crark /opt/crark-cuda/. When you execute crark out of this dir then it will find the dll. Don't know why it need it .. sowat.
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