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Pages: 1
When I try to play anything with Muine, it prdouces no sound output, then segfaults and crashes:
/opt/gnome/bin/muine: line 3: 5287 Segmentation fault /opt/mono/bin/mono /opt/gnome/lib/muine/muine.exe "$@"
Do I need to emerge something else, or is this a known bug?
Muine requires the DEVEL versions of Mono/GTK#. These packages are currently in TESTING, so I can not rebuild Muine against them.
When they make their way into EXTRA, I can rebuild.
The best solution would be for a dev to put Muine into TESTING as well, so it always stays on the same track.
"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology. Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."
BTW, what the hell is this Mono stuff?
Mono is the open source version of the Microsoft .NET framework.
Pages: 1