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Hi everybody, I'm trying to install Arch as a Virtual Machine under Windows 2008 Server R2 Hyper-V. Someone says ( … vices.aspx) it's possible to configure Ubuntu to use synthetic devices. I've tried with no success and that made me happy because the distro I'd like to use is Arch! Which is now running seamlessly as a Git server on a physical machine.
Any idea? Is there a way to translate the post I cited for Arch (I'm not able by myself, unfortunately...)?
Thanks a lot
. . . install Arch as a Virtual Machine under Windows 2008 Server R2 Hyper-V.
Someone says ( Is there a way to translate the post I cited for Arch (I'm not able by myself, unfortunately...)?
HowTo: Install Arch Linux on Hyper-V … n-hyper-v/
Boot Arch Linux Installer ( I'm use archlinux-2011.08.19-core-dual.iso ) _Before_ /arch/setup load Hyper-V module for SCSI: == modprobe hv_storvsc == . . . !!! !!! Don't forget add hv_storvsc in MODULES= to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf !!! before reboot step of /arch/setup !!! /etc/mkinitcpio.conf == MODULES="hv_storvsc" == . . . but in installed Arch Linux SCSI disk /dev/sda IDE disk /dev/sdb i.e. /dev/sdb _swap_ with /dev/sda . . . Solution: ! ! Use LABEL or UUID in fstab ! ! ! Don't forget set root= in /boot/grub/menu.lst ! before reboot step of /arch/setup ! i.e.: In file /boot/grub/menu.lst replace == root=/dev/sdb == to == root=/dev/sda ==
Hi, there, Victor Miasnikov, welcome to the forums.
Please edit your post and use [ code ] tags, not [ quote ] tags for posting snippets of code.
No problem
Last edited by Victor Miasnikov (2011-09-07 15:42:57)
Hi, there, Victor Miasnikov, welcome to the forums.
Please edit your post and use [ code ] tags, not [ quote ] tags for posting snippets of code.
/etc/mkinitcpio.conf == MODULES="hv_storvsc" ==
For prevent /dev/sdb _swap_ with /dev/sda :
MODULES="pata_acpi ata_generic ata_piix hv_storvsc"
Archboot ( 2011.10-1 and later versions) support Hyper-V enviroment:
Boot Arch Linux Installer ( I'm use archlinux-2011.08.19-core-dual.iso )
2011-10-21: Or boot archboot 2011.10-1
and see: … 7#p1008677
Tobias Powalowski (tpowa) wrote:Arch Linux (archboot creation tool) 2011.10-1, "2k11-R6" has been released.
. . .
Environment changes:
. . .
- added hypervisor kernel modules==
IMHO, "hypervisor kernel modules" best read as "Hyper-V ( hv_ ) kernel modules".
See "Arch Linux: Hyper-V And archboot.iso" … hboot-iso/
TO Tobias Powalowski (tpowa)
Big thanks!
Last edited by Victor Miasnikov (2011-10-27 07:33:18)