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#1 2010-09-12 23:19:32

From: San Diego
Registered: 2003-04-18
Posts: 160

patches in avr cross toolchain


I do extensive work in atmel AVR microcontrollers, and it's awesome that we have the whole cross toolchain in the binary repositories.

However on a lot of the designs I work on, clients have selected xmega devices.

Unfortunatly this means I have to develop using the WinAVR toolchain.

Atmel provides a certain amount of support to that project, and new devices, etc are always supported there first.

I was wondering how the packagers felt about using the winavr patchset in building the avr cross toolchain in community?

The versions of gcc (and just recently binutills) used in the arch packages are newer than the versions patched for winavr: … r/patches/

What about a periodic "linavr" package that tracked the versions and patches of the winavr releases?

I have to intermix between building code on my own workstation, and then on various lab machines. Having a toolchain that was comperable to the winavr releases would really help interoperate with machines running avrstudio and winavr.

This would also make the linux toolchain support all the devices supported on windoze. (it really grates me that it's frikin' gcc and I have to run it on _that_ os )

I'd like to avoid trying to package the whole thing on my own if that's possible. Clearly there are some archers that are very active avr designers.

Thanks for all the hard work!!!



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