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#1 2010-10-23 19:33:46

Registered: 2010-07-20
Posts: 26

Libcl missing from AUR

Hi guys!
I'm trying to install cpyrit-opencl-svn from the AUR via Clyde. It seems like the dependency libcl isnt present in the AUR nor the core/community/extra repo's. But somehow it knows where to download it from but not how to build it & neither do I sad

Could someone help me with a PKGBUILD for it? and maybe put in the AUR too?

[niclas@handgranat ~]$ sudo clyde -S cpyrit-opencl-svn
:: cpyrit-opencl-svn package not found, searching for group...
:: cpyrit-opencl-svn group not found, searching AUR...

==> Installing the following packages from AUR
Targets (2): cpyrit-opencl-svn  libcl  

==> Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
==> Downloading libcl.tar.gz
    ( Unsupported package from AUR: Potentially dangerous! )
==> Edit the PKGBUILD (highly recommended for security reasons)? [Y/n] n
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.
error: Build failed


Its not a bug - its a feature!


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