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I apologize if this thread is misplaced. I realize poppler is not in [testing], but since I ride [testing] and recently got the new xorg/mesa update that I believe may have indirectly prompted this breakage, I figured my thread would end up here anyway.
After a recent upgrade, libpoppler based pdf viewers don't seem to render pdfs with embedded fonts quite right anymore.
The last time I opened this pdf in evince was two or so weeks ago, and I just now noticed that evince has begun rendering it oddly. Here you can see some comparison screenshots between a ghostscript-based pdf reader (mupdf) and evince:
Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3, Screenshot 4.
Unfortunately, I've been pulled away from my laptop for the last few weeks, and when I did an -Syyu recently, I had a fairly huge amount of packages to upgrade (making this issue even harder to debug ). If anyone wants to take a look at my pacman log, here's the log from the recent huge upgrade. And yes, I realize ghostscript, evince, poppler/poppler-glib and libspectre are in there.. but when I reverted to their original revisions from /var/cache/pacman/pkg, I still had the same symptoms.
Sorry if I've overlooked anything glaringly obvious. I'm sleep deprived at the moment... though, if anyone has any suggestions on where to proceed trying to debug this issue from here, I'd really appreciate it... and thanks for taking the time to read this.