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Hi there.
I was wondering if anybody has succesfully installed ArchMobile on the n900?
If so, could you possibly guide me step-by-step?
EDIT: I have seen topics about the same, but never read how to do it.
EDIT2: What I have done so far:
1. Followed the partition guide 100% ( … rtitioning)
2. Followed the create-a-filesystem guide 100% ( … Filesystem)
3. Downloaded the archmobile shell script and succesfully installed archmobile onto my SDCard (with exception of removing qemu at the end, but it is not important)
4. Edited /etc/fstap (on SDCard) to have this "/dev/mmcblk0p1 / ext2 defaults 0 1"
5. Installed bootmenu via application manager on the n900..
6. Added a bootmenu entry in /etc/bootmenu.d/ called arch.ext.item:
ITEM_NAME="arch ext sd"
ITEM_MODULES="mbcache jbd ext2"
7. Tried booting -> no success
Anybody got some ideas/solutions?
Last edited by M_ller (2010-10-30 21:36:10)
I am afraid I don't have good ideas. :-|
It sounds like you are trying to dual boot your phone, is that what the bootmenu application does? The examples in the links you provided seem to assume that the device has only one operating system.
Well maybe you can try it with u-boot.
I think the problem is the kernel, Nokia makes big changes.
If you are getting on, let me know it
Could you define 'no success'? What happens, exactly?
Basically it times out when entering boot menu and choosing ArchLinux. Bootmenu is created with a time-out value, so after 10 or 20 seconds, it just reboots.
Yes, it is sold with 1 OS, but so far Ubuntu and Google Android (probably more) is running fine on the n900.
Trying to get it run from within a chroot would be a first step.
yakui 2.6.36-ARCH x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3600+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
suika 2.6.32-lts i686 Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
Nokia-N900 armv7l
Trying to get it run from within a chroot would be a first step.
Could you guide me through that?
just take the rootfs of archmobile or plugapps, put it on a micro usb card and chroot in.
thats what I did.
i got it installed and chrooted into my n900 i've also installed lxde and run it under xephyr like easy-debian but the problme its that lxde doesnt come with full package an programs i only can get lxterminal and thats it
i got it installed and chrooted into my n900 i've also installed lxde and run it under xephyr like easy-debian but the problme its that lxde doesnt come with full package an programs i only can get lxterminal and thats it
Could you do a step-by-step guide here?
I'd like to know exactly what you've done
yakui 2.6.36-ARCH x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3600+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
suika 2.6.32-lts i686 Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
Nokia-N900 armv7l
Thanks for posting that!
But could you explain to me quickly, what the deal with Easy-Debian is? What is it and what does it do?
Why do we need it to install Arch Linux?
sorry for not post the link was done by me.
To resume Easy-Debian as I think is the best app for the n900 it has scripts that let you run arm-distros like debian, ubuntu, archmobile, fedora, chrooted into maemo and using Xephyr you can have desktops environments with gui
take a look at this video
Last edited by juandp77 (2010-12-06 18:02:27)
Pages: 1