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Hi, I am looking for a way to overwrite the default background used in pynotify.
I'm sure it renders with GTK, but i'm highly unfamiliar with pygtk. So any help on this matter would be great!
I'm looking for a way to get the notification rendered with a background like the one below:
As of right now, the notification looks something like in this image:
Is there anyway to change this?
Please note that i am referring to the background, and not the icon
All I need is a way to replace the default background with a .png image - should I wrap it up in a GtkWidget, and if so, how would I go by doing that?
Last edited by Paaskehare (2010-11-03 07:27:03)
→ im.ole
The top screenshot is from notify-osd, the bottom one from notification-deamon.
You can't change this from your application. You should either install notify-osd (which doesn't support interaction) or install a different notification-engine: … mon-engine