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Shortly i read here about prispy, and thought it should be easy to teach suckles' surf (i really like their code, its fun to mess with it around ) some likely features.
Done it. Its basically a slightly modified mainline surf, capable to read the URL and some other option from a file.
Though, it could be used with a file like this:
#!./surf -c
The options are:
url, useragent (string)
images, plugins, scripts (1|0)
progress_color, progress_trust_color (string)
userstyle, userscript (string)
cookies (string)
(Except url and the colors i did not test them yet.)
Default Key bindings are weird (C: ctrl, S: shift):
C-a, C-d: prev, next page
C-w, C-s: scroll up, down
C-S-w, C-S-s, C-1: zoom in, out, 100%
C-r, C-S-r, C-x: reload, reload no cache, stop
C-p, C-o: print, source
C-c, C-v: copy, paste url
C-f, ESC, C-n, C-S-n: find, stop find, next, previous
You can get it per svn:
svn co
I find it quite useful, even if it is only a test. It might also lack most of the features a prism clone should have. Actually, i do not really know what features they have
Last edited by 0mark (2010-11-11 10:53:48)
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