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I downloaded several 3of9 fonts to generate barcodes, but they cannot be scanned. I did get a scan from the generator at and that did scan perfectly.
I installed "barcode" (from the repo) but, for blisters, I dont know what to do with it.
Any ideas where I can get some fonts that do scan?
BTW - I use an HP520 to print everything. The one printout DOES scan, the ones I
generate (Open Office Writer) dont...a manual (from the scanner) does scan, so I suspect the fonts...
Last edited by Thor@Flanders (2010-11-29 10:07:37)
Ehrm...someone tap me on the head...
Far be it from me to bump my own thread...
The sollution is quite simple:
1) generate a plain text file with all the codes to be printed
2) make sure there are NO gaps, "barcode" cannot convert spaces (duh)
3) enter the following @ console, for example
barcode -o codesheet01 -i barcodetemplate -t 4x6
-o is name of the (postscript?) output file
-i the name of the input text file with the data to be printed
-t the grid to lay out the barcodes in, if omitted, barcode will generate ONE barcode per page, a terrible waste of paper - so, save a tree and do use the -t argument, thanks!
4) open the resulting postscript file with the document viewer (works here, I suspect the same everywhere else) and ...
5) print
Just tested it, the barcodes do print and scan perfectly...
Sorry to have screamed for help before doing my homework
Hope this text will help someone else...
Wellness and big tnx to the makers of this great script!
Last edited by Thor@Flanders (2010-11-30 20:15:39)