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freeswitch(-git) A very good VOIP engine.
I'd like to see Luckybackup in the community repo! ...
Marginally off-topic, but you might also want to take a look at unison, which is already in [community]. It is an already established tool for N-way syncing also based on rsync. I don't know how it is compared to luckybackup though since I haven't used luckybackup. But unison is a very nice piece of s/w.
haskell-platform is the standard haskell distribution with batteries included.
Arch-Haskell has been working on this one for like two years now.
xmlstarlet Manipulating xml files with normal unix tools (sed,grep, awk,etc) is very hard, among other things, xml don't enforce the use of newline at certain point. xmlstarlet is a utility that (among other things) can convert from xml to pyx (and from pyx to xml).
pyx is a format compatible with standard unix text manipulation utils, and therefore isreally useful at creating scripts that manipulate xml files.
Right now it is on AUR, and I think it deserves being part of comunity
Last edited by chris_l (2010-12-17 22:26:33)
"open source is about choice"
Open source is about opening the source code complying with this conditions, period. The ability to choose among several packages is just a nice side effect.
Since I just bought a mp3 album from amazon, I think it would be really nice to have:
Basically it's a opensource replacement for the amazon mp3 downloader. Amazon gives you a amz file and you pass it to clamz to download the actual mp3s
I think It totally fits in the Arch philosophy and it comes with some very handy options:
Usage: clamz [options] amz-file ...
General options:
-o, --output=NAME: write output to file NAME (may contain
variables, see below)
-d, --output-dir=DIR: write output to directory DIR (may also
contain variables)
-r, --resume: resume a partial download
-i, --info: show info about AMZ-files; do not download
any tracks
-x, --xml: output XML data from AMZ-files; do not download
any tracks
-v, --verbose: display detailed information
-q, --quiet: don't display non-critical messages
--help: display this help
--version: display program version
Output options:
--allow-chars=CHARS: allow filenames containing CHARS
--forbid-chars=CHARS: forbid filenames containing CHARS
--allow-uppercase: allow uppercase letters in filenames
--forbid-uppercase: forbid uppercase letters in filenames
--utf8-filenames: allow UTF-8 filenames
--ascii-filenames: force ASCII-only filenames
Filenames (-o, -d) may contain the following variables:
${title} ${creator} ${album} ${tracknum} ${album_artist} ${genre}
${discnum} ${suffix} ${asin} ${album_asin}
If there were ever a niche that needed filling... DeaDBeeF fills that space nicely.
"Its too big and too slow"
I agree with broadcom-wl if licensing permits. It's the only driver that's stable for my laptop.
I agree with broadcom-wl if licensing permits. It's the only driver that's stable for my laptop.
Is included in the kernel from .37 onwards.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
skottish wrote:I agree with broadcom-wl if licensing permits. It's the only driver that's stable for my laptop.
Is included in the kernel from .37 onwards.
Damn! That's how good Arch is... using its mind control powers to mod the kernel!
ranger ++
small, fast, decent file manager. only depend on python
and well ... Opera, it was in the repos before but moved because the license didn't allow it. A change in the license should allow Opera to be packaged again! Maybe use tar packages instead of rpm. See below:
2. LICENSE. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Opera hereby grants Customer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license: (i) to use the Services and to install and Use the Software supplied to Customer hereunder, as installed on your personal computer, including your laptop, desktop or on computers within Customer's organization; and (ii) to reproduce and distribute the Software without modification, provided that any such reproduction or distribution of the Software by You: (i) must be in an application repository for a desktop Open Source OS distribution (expressly excluding distribution for embedded Open Source OS); (ii) must be made available free of charge for end-users; and (iii) must be subject to and distributed with a copy of this Agreement.
And see Ruarí's blogpost
+1 for ranger.
really the best file manager i've used. the most impressing thing is out of box support for so many applications & also there are a great no. of features that someone wouldn't expect in a terminal program.
even an image preview is present.
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette
ranger: obviously -- changed my tech-life in a big way -- help system is terrific and should/could get anyone motivated to use term/console if they have an interest. // many thanks!
zathura and jumanji: brilliant implimentations of pdf reader and webkit based browser. both add elegance and confidence there's no bloat to a minimalist's system with a best of breed feeling IMO. Both are very actively developed!!
Last edited by yvonney (2010-12-21 07:59:59)
+1 for ranger, it's a brilliant piece of software!
Everybody here said ranger, i trayed it now and wow it is really great +1 for ranger
lfm (Last File Manager)
A simple but powerful file manager for the UNIX console. Based on curses, it's written in Python.
It have been developed for a long time so very stable and full of features. Definitely better than mc. Key bindings is good by default. I prefer lfm to ranger.
Everybody here said ranger, i trayed it now and wow it is really great +1 for ranger
Same here, I will have to try it and see, though I doubt it will replace coreutils for me
+1 for ranger. It is really very good. The developer is very responsive, the software quality & features, built-in in the file manager, are great + it's extensible. I'm a programmer myself, and I think these are the characteristics of a way to build effective & useful program. Please, include it
Last edited by vasyabelkin (2010-12-21 19:20:21)
Kosava wrote:Everybody here said ranger, i trayed it now and wow it is really great +1 for ranger
Same here, I will have to try it and see, though I doubt it will replace coreutils for me
coreutils FTW !!
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
tomd123 wrote:Kosava wrote:Everybody here said ranger, i trayed it now and wow it is really great +1 for ranger
Same here, I will have to try it and see, though I doubt it will replace coreutils for me
coreutils FTW !!
Coreutils doesn't need votes.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
I think QTFM should be in the repos! It is a great file manager and its developers are constantly updating it!
I think QTFM should be in the repos! It is a great file manager and its developers are constantly updating it!
I was just thinking about that. I'd move it to [community], regardless of whether or not it wins here. That is, if I can get the okay from Wittfella.
+1 for DeaDBeeF because it's a very good minimalistic media player
And also netkit (a network simulation tool based on UML usefull to increase your skills in managing a network) because its installation from AUR is painfull and require a lot of disk space.
Thanks !!
adeskbar: it is a python app launcher, superight and responsive, stable and configurable, not intrusive.
Plain quality, it is the only dock app that I tolerate.
GNu/Linux: Nu nog schoner:
PyTyle2 (when it's ready) - the best thing since sliced bread! Forget tiling WMs, stay with your OpenBox.
Oh and apvlv and ranger pls. And tp_smapi. Please.