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Oh and apvlv and ranger pls. And tp_smapi. Please.
Just so the TUs don't have repeat themselves:
To vote, post the package names, and a brief explanation of why they should be included
adeskbar: it is a python app launcher, superight and responsive, stable and configurable, not intrusive.
Plain quality, it is the only dock app that I tolerate.
Inxsible wrote:tomd123 wrote:Same here, I will have to try it and see, though I doubt it will replace coreutils for me
coreutils FTW !!
Coreutils doesn't need votes.
That was only a shameless plug...not a vote
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Oh and apvlv and ranger pls. And tp_smapi.
apvlv has been in [community] for a while.
And maintained by yours truly.
Ranger is a -git package if I'm not mistaken, and those are a huge pain to manage.
@itsbrad212 - Ranger does have a stable (non-git) version in the AUR. You can also find the latest stable version on the website:
tp_smapi : The thinkpad HDAPS driver. The broken version is already in kernel anyways
hwinfo : I think too many people might be missing out on using this jsut because it is not in the repos
netperf : This oft used perf measurement utility comes pre-installed with a lot of distros, while its not even in the arch repos.
openssh-hpn : ssh + high performance patches. The difference is easily noticeable
phatch : gui alternative to imagemagick. Very easy to use, and imagemagick can be dauntin to novice users.
And finally
boxee : Because I do package maintainance for this, and its a PITA getting it to compile fora lot of aur users. XBMC is aleady in community.
@itsbrad212 - Ranger does have a stable (non-git) version in the AUR. You can also find the latest stable version on the website:
Touché. Thanks, I'll take a look. (once the AUR is back up [1])
[1] … 12683.html
Last edited by cesura (2010-12-22 22:05:09)
< 6 hours left before no more nominations will be taken.
mpop - the POP3 sibling of msmtp, which is in extra. It's a nice little mail retriever that is easy to configure and it fits in very nicely with msmtp and mutt.
Puddletag - Its like mp3tag for Linux. I much prefer its interface over that of EasyTag.
pystopwatch - A light-weight timer/stopwatch application. Few dependencies and it simply works.
Last edited by anonymous_user (2010-12-23 19:13:49)
that was fast! so here I go:
:: pacman-color
-> because happy colors make a happy world, word.
:: urxvt-url-select
-> cause clicking to open something that needs more clicks is already annoying. Plus this is the version that actually works.
:: smem-hg
-> cause it's the best memory tool I've seen. Real memory statistics, accurate numbers, memory state snapshots, all you can think, it can do it (okay, most ).
:: dd_rescue
-> cause who's gonna save you ? testdisk is already in extra. Those two together are all you need for recovery (on software level). Figure out the hardware problems and you can start a recovery company with that.
:: lsyncd
-> cause it's the only live daemon I've met that uses rsync underneath to sync/mirror locally and remotely files based on inode activity. yeah!
and ofcourse the most awesome vim-plugins that are still in aur. Those dont really need maintainance.
:: vim-snipmate
-> autofill snippets right there, just hit <tab>, KABOOM!
:: vim-gist
-> easily paste and grab and delete and update public and private gists@github
:: vim-nerdtree
-> cause if you want to be a nerd you need a pair of glasses and a tree.
==> cookies!
Last edited by c00kiemon5ter (2010-12-24 12:09:59)
.:[ git me! ] :.
sl makes a train (steam locomotive) run across your terminal when you type "sl" instead of "ls", brightens my day.
sl makes a train (steam locomotive) run across your terminal when you type "sl" instead of "ls", brightens my day.
Pure genius!
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
:: dd_rescue
-> cause who's gonna save you ? testdisk is already in extra. Those two together are all you need for recovery (on software level). Figure out the hardware problems and you can start a recovery company with that.
The *real* ddrescue is already in [extra] and better in most (if not all) cases than dd_rescue.
You know, Its the app Debian calls gddrescue.
I would vote for deadbeef and simple-scan. Especially the second. The default sane frontends are not that simple..
Last edited by dolby (2010-12-24 09:57:11)
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
The *real* ddrescue is already in [extra] and better in most (if not all) cases than dd_rescue.
You know, Its the app Debian calls gddrescue.I would vote for deadbeef and simple-scan. Especially the second. The default sane frontends are not that simple..
oh good, I always searched with a dash in between
.:[ git me! ] :.
sl makes a train (steam locomotive) run across your terminal when you type "sl" instead of "ls", brightens my day.
I also have had this installed for a while, but there is no license, if you can ever get the original maintainer to post a license for it, I would get it included immediately
The results for Arch Holiday Madness! are in:
$ yeah -I got3
:: moving smem to [community]
-> successful
:: moving vim-nerdtree to [community]
-> successful
:: moving urxvt-url-select to [community]
-> pending maintainer approval
==> cookies baked!
.:[ git me! ] :.
Great, thanks TU's!
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
What's this pending reply from maintainer??
I thought the TUs just grab and run !
Atleast that's what happened with one of the packages that I was maintaining in AUR. Not that I care.....
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
I plan to move geda-gaf, pcb and gerbv to [community].
Are all these packages now in [community] or are they moving over time? clyde can't find vim-nerdtree at all.
I thought the TUs just grab and run !
No. TUs doing that must be bent. The minimum is to just post a simple FYI notification. In the event you're dealing with a popular package you should wait out for some response.
I need real, proper pen and paper for this.