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For some reason all links I open in applications (like pidgin or intellij) now open in firefox despite my default browser is chromium. By "default-browser" I mean that both in the gnome settings and the xfce-settings chromium is specified as browser to use. xdg-open, gnome-open, gvfs-open and exo-open all do the right thing and open urls in chromium. For some reason this is not the case if I click a link in an application. I have set $DE to "xfce" and $BROWSER to "chromium". I am a fluxbox user.
Last edited by itti (2010-12-23 21:59:14)
have you had a look for specific configs of these progs? maybe pidgin/... has it's own standard browser independ from global variables like $DE or $BROWSER.
Now its getting strange. pidgin does have an browser option. This was set to "default browser". I did change it to "custom" with the command line:
xdg-open %s
It still opens links in firefox. This leads me to believe that for some reason xdg-open behaves differently when called by applications instead of beeing invoked in a terminal.
on a sidenote:
[itti@machine ~]$ xdg-settings get default-web-browser
hm...what about your mime config?
I don't know what information would be neccessary. A few pastes:
[Default Applications]
[itti@machine ~]$ desktop-file-validate /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop
[itti@machine ~]$ echo $?
Last edited by itti (2010-12-17 12:40:13)
For investigation you can change it to "custom" and value: gnome-terminal
When you click a link, the terminal will start and you can run "xdg-open" or "env" and compare the environmet
Arch 64, xfce4
Thats a good idea. I will see when I'm back at the machine (it's my arch box at work).
I checked back but cannot find anything different... if I let pidgin run xterm xdg-open it openes the url in chromium like expected. I don't get it. Is there something I have to set up for xdg to work? As I said I'm a fluxbox user and every now and then there seem to be changes around the area of dbus, gnome-settings-daemon, ck-session etc. I have to sort out for my wm to keep working. So is there another new daemon or config file or something I might be magically missing?
Now I got it solved out... I should read more Archwiki. There is actually a site about chromium. The following advice helped:
Use part of a desktop environment, specifically, the part which includes the file opener; for gnome, that would be 'libgnome' (and its dependencies), for xfce, 'exo'. The $DE environment variable needs to be exported before starting the window manager.
i moved my
export DE=xfce
from .bashrc to .xinitrc and now everything works again like it did before. links do open in default browser now and on top of that even chromium was able to set itself als the "default browser". an option that was unavailable till now.
Last edited by itti (2010-12-22 14:29:30)