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I have 2 SATA hard drives on my system...
320gb & 500gb
I have 6 gigs ram, triple core 2.1ghz w/256mb HD 2400 ATI pciE
Im reading the wiki page … _Dual_Boot
and I have some questions and am seeking some advice..
I was thinking about putting (in the bios) the 320 as primary w/ windows 7
and using the 500 for linux.. 300 ( /boot=100mb, /=20gigs /swap=2gigs /home= approx 275gigs) and 200gb FAT32 to share music,pics,documents, et al with both OS's
maybe using a gparted cd to make the 320 ntfs, /boot ext2, /root & /home ext4 /swap as swap and 200gigs as fat32
then installing windows on the 320, then using the arch ftp install to install arch on sdb (second sata drive) using the partitions I've explained about.
now for Grub.. where I get lost is.. i read on one of the many forum posts i read, if you install 7 first, then arch, everythign will work fine and when you reboot you'll have a choice.. now this answer/comment goes against the wiki that says you have to set up grub to do the dual boot.. or am i wrong, will it just "work" (it does with other distros, but I know arch doesnt hold hands like the others, and I really dont want to leave arch jsut to dualboot for the few windows needs i have , photoshop, a good printer, office 2010, and afew other windows programs i still enjoy using for work and play)
does anyone have any "easier" to follow directions then the wiki to dualboot win 7 and arch? I'm reading and re-reading and re-reading the wiki again, and it seems like greek to me..
anyone have any other suggestions.. i have win7 in a virtualbox machine, but the usb hub isnt working.. (started happening since 4.x.x.x came out) thought would "fix" this issue, so i made a new vm of win7 and same usb hub isssues in device manager.. so it MUST be a virtual box issue.. and from what I've read, its not being "fixed" anytime soon.. and I cant use my printer on arch no matter what I've done..
so any advice would be appreciated.. don't want to start something I cant finish.. ( i can install arch with my eyes closed i've been through enougth trial and screwups)
thanks in advance
"Sometimes you comfort the afflicted, other times you AFFLICT the COMFORTABLE"
Its not even that complicated to set up grub to dual boot, its just about chainloading to Win7's partition. Many many many many examples online, go do a search.
And please post separate topics for separate questions.
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
Heres how I do it:
1. Split my drive into one primary partition and an extended partition with logical partitions for Linux.
2. Install Windows 7 (first) to the primary partition and Arch Linux inside the extended partition.
3. Install grub to the drive and just uncomment the lines for Windows. Remember to leave "makeactive" commented out.
4. Thats it. … th_Windows
Last edited by anonymous_user (2011-01-19 18:00:53)
Pages: 1