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Hello, I just discover that I can't input(write) anything in libre office (writer or presentation). I'm using IBUS and can write in other java applications, just libre office is strange. It doesnt matter if I create new file or edit old one. I can paste into document or copy from it.
Does anyone have this problem?
I have the same problem; try going back to openoffice-base and see if it works (it did for me). I've opened a Arch task here ( since it seems like we're the only ones seeing it (no problem with libreoffice on Ubuntu).
@darehanl: does ubuntu work with ibus and libreoffice?
Sorry for double posting, I just want to say that it works in openoffice (checked).
Just a quick question. Do you happen to use KDE? Try adding this line:
export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP="gnome"
to $HOME/.xprofile . Adding that fixed the problem for me (although you get ugly GNOME file dialogs). Looks like the new KDE integration code added to libreoffice is the culprit.
Thanks! After adding this line to .xprofile everything works like a charm. On archwiki it's said that KDE integration is in 'beta'.
I'm new in this forum.
The same problem happens to me with KDE 4.6 and Ibus.
I'm using ibus to write in japanese.
I tried adding the environment variable to .xprofile but I didn't work for me. (don't know why)
but... if I put OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP="gnome" libreoffice in konsole it works!
I tried writing with accents and tilde (Spanish) and this sentence appeard in the console.
warning: line 6184: incompatible stripping characters and condition
Hope it helps for a bug fix
Last edited by akanashiro (2011-02-08 02:43:15)
Same problem here, even worse, the CPU temperature reaches 95C high. Hope this
bug resolved soon.