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I installed kernel25-lqx from AUR but when I try to boot it I get "Error 15 file not found". Grub not installed or wrong menu.lst you think? now check this:
# (0) Arch Linux
title Arch Linux
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/f4e364a2-bc0f-4ece-aabe-d61a57fbab16 ro
initrd /boot/kernel26.img
# (1) Arch Linux
title Arch Linux lqx
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26-lqx root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/f4e364a2-bc0f-4ece-aabe-d61a57fbab16 ro
initrd /boot/kernel26-lqx.img
# (2) Arch Linux
title Arch Linux RT
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26rt root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/f4e364a2-bc0f-4ece-aabe-d61a57fbab16 ro
initrd /boot/kernel26rt.img
# (3) Arch Linux
title Arch Linux Fallback
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/f4e364a2-bc0f-4ece-aabe-d61a57fbab16 ro
initrd /boot/kernel26-fallback.img
# (4) Clonezilla
title Clonezilla live on harddrive
root (hd1,3)
kernel /live-hd/vmlinuz1 boot=live live-config noswap nolocales edd=on nomodeset ocs_live_ru$
initrd /live-hd/initrd1.img
[studio@myhost boot]$ ls
grub kernel26-lqx.img System.map26-lqx vmlinuz26rt
kernel26-fallback.img kernel26rt-fallback.img System.map26rt
kernel26.img kernel26rt.img vmlinuz26
kernel26-lqx-fallback.img System.map26 vmlinuz26-lqx
the strange thing is that I can boot option (0) and (2) without any problem, while option (1) gives me error 15.....and as you can see partition, UUID, directory are the same.
how do you explain that one?
ok, perhaps its obvious for you guys but for me it doesn't make any sense. I want to learn from you, so please help me. even reinstalled grub, with no success
could this be related do EXT4? should I try Grub2?
where are the experts?
I had a similar problem while trying to boot off a ext4 filesystem.
Only the newest grub was patched to recognize ext4.
So I reinstalled grub (in my case aur/grub-gfx) since the former grub was too old.
Grub2 doesn't have this problem, but its a pain to use and configure.
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thanks man, but I doubt the version is the problem. I have Grub 0.97-17 and it's Ext4-patched.
crazy thing
I found out the problem.
I have 2 Sata-Drives, root is on the second while on the first is a clone of root. No here is the strange thing: In bios I declare the second sata as first in boot sequence. This makes grub think it is (hd0,0) it seams. As i have root=(hd1,0) grub read the kernelimages from the clone (it seams). Than later in the bootprocess the kernel itself looks at the right place, but as the image loaded is 2.6.36 it doesn't find the correct modules.
Now I changed in menu.lst the line to "root (hd0,0)" it succesfully boots from SDB1!!!!!!!
I have to apologize as it was a grub-thing, but nobody can expect such a strange behaviour from grub
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