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Hi, I have realized that this happens when I watch some movies but also happens all of a sudden. I have also noticed that this hasn't happened yet if I don't use compiz, here you got the screenshot of what I can see:
Thanks in advance
I have the same problem... freeze after about 10min of watching video, but only when Compiz is running.
I know it doesn't happen when I boot with, it does with 2.6.37 and 2.6.38-rc3 and -rc4.
I use qingy, so my X display is on :1, not :0... perhaps that's why I don't see the panic message you do... all I see is a frozen screen until I hold the power button.
Hi TheAmigo, I don't know exactly what have changed lately in my computer, maybe the latest updates but I don't have the problem anymore, do you still have them?
maybe the kernel doesn't agree with your taste in movies
We die young, all too often.
maybe our computers are more sensitive than we thought
I've avoided compiz for the last two weeks because I didn't want to risk hanging while troubleshooting other issues.
Today I ran compiz and watched about an hour of video without incident (on a 2.6.38-rc6 kernel). That's enough to make me thing the problem has gone away.
I got the problems back for a while but then I guess I found the reason of this: dust in my memory cards after a good cleaning the problem is gone
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