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#1 2011-02-09 21:30:01

Registered: 2009-03-01
Posts: 35

libgnome and bonono dependency issues

There is some kind of "unresolved dependency" issues in some packages. For example see
This thread should help to fine the evils root. Until now it's seems to be a problem of libgnome, but may be we are wrong yet.

First of all, here is the output of 'pacman -Qe' from a system were terminator is running fine under gnome:

acl 2.2.49-2
acpi 1.5-1
alsa-utils 1.0.23-3
android-ndk r5-1
android-sdk r09-5
apache-ant 1.8.2-1
argouml 0.30.2-1
arj 3.10.22-5
attr 2.4.44-2
audacity 1.3.12-3
autoconf 2.68-1
automake 1.11.1-2
avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-10
bash 4.1.009-3
bash-completion 1.3-1
bin86 0.16.17-5
binutils 2.21-3
bison 2.4.3-1
brasero 2.32.1-1
bzip2 1.0.6-1
bzr 2.2.2-2
ccrypt 1.9-1
ccsm 0.8.4-2
cdrkit 1.1.11-1
cnetworkmanager 0.21.1-3
compiz-decorator-gtk 0.8.6-2
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra 0.8.6-1
compiz-fusion-plugins-main 0.8.6-1
conky 1.8.1-2
coreutils 8.10-1
cpio 2.11-2
cppcheck 1.46.1-1
cracklib 2.8.18-1
cryptsetup 1.2.0-1
cups 1.4.6-1
cups-pdf 2.5.0-1
cxxtest 3.10.1-4
db 5.1.19-3
dbus 1.4.1-1
dbus-core 1.4.1-1
dcron 4.4-2
device-mapper 2.02.82-2
dhcpcd 5.2.10-1
dialog 1.1_20110118-1
diffutils 3.0-2
dosbox 0.74-1
dosfstools 3.0.10-1
driconf 0.9.1-5
e2fsprogs 1.41.14-1
easytag 2.1.6-3
eog 2.32.1-1
evince 2.32.0-7
faenza-icon-theme 0.8-1
fakeroot 1.14.5-1
fbxkb 0.6-1
figlet 2.2.3-1
file 5.05-1
filesystem 2010.12-1
findutils 4.4.2-3
flex 2.5.35-4
fuseiso 20070708-2
galculator 1.3.4-2
gamin 0.1.10-4
gartoon-redux-icon-theme 1.10-1
gawk 3.1.8-2
gcc 4.5.2-6
gcc-libs 4.5.2-6
gdb 7.2-2
gdbm 1.8.3-8
gdmap 0.8.1-2
gen-init-cpio 2.6.36-1
gimp 2.6.11-2
git 1.7.4-1
glibc 2.13-1
glproto 1.4.12-1
glsof 0.9.16-5
gnome-backgrounds 2.32.0-1
gnome-control-center 2.32.1-1
gnome-desktop 2.32.1-1
gnome-icon-theme 2.31.0-1
gnome-keyring 2.32.1-1
gnome-menus 2.30.5-1
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-4
gnome-panel 2.32.1-2
gnome-power-manager 2.32.0-1
gnome-session 2.32.1-1
gnome-settings-daemon 2.32.1-2
gnome2-user-docs 2.32.0-1
graphviz 2.26.3-2
grep 2.7-1
groff 1.21-1
grsync 1.1.1-1
grub2 1.98-5
gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.32-2
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.11-1
gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.27-1
gtk-engines 2.20.2-1
gtk-theme-murrine-unity 0.7-1
gvfs-smb 1.6.6-1
gzip 1.4-2
hd2u 1.0.3-1
hdparm 9.36-1
htop 0.9-1
hunspell-de 20100727-1
hunspell-en 7.0-1
hunspell-ru 0.99g5-3
inetutils 1.8-2
initscripts 2010.07-2
iperf 2.0.5-1
iputils 20101006-1
jfsutils 1.1.14-2
jperf 2.0.2-2
kbd 1.15.2-1
ktsuss 1.4-2
laptop-mode-tools 1.55-2
less 436-2
libarchive 2.8.4-2
libdvdcss 1.2.10-2
libfetch 2.33-1
libgcrypt 1.4.6-1
libgpg-error 1.9-2
libpcap 1.1.1-2
libsigsegv 2.6-1
libtool 2.4-2
libusb 1.0.8-1
libzip 0.9.3-1
licenses 2.6-1
linux-api-headers 2.6.37-1
linux-firmware 20110201-1
logrotate 3.7.9-1
lsdvd 0.16-4
lvm2 2.02.82-2
lxappearance 0.5.0-1
lxdm 0.3.0-1
lzo2 2.04-1
m4 1.4.15-1
mailx 8.1.1-7
make 3.81-5
man-db 2.5.9-1
man-pages 3.32-1
mc 4.7.4-1
mdadm 3.1.4-1
medit 1.0.0-1
meld 1.4.0-3
metacity 2.30.3-1
midori 0.3.0-1
mingw32-gcc 4.5.2-1
mingw32-w32api 3.15-1
mkinitcpio 0.6.8-1
mlocate 0.23.1-2
moc 2.4.4-3
module-init-tools 3.12-2
mp3unicode 1.2-4
namcap 2.7-1
nano 2.2.6-1
ncdu 1.7-1
ncurses 5.7-4
net-tools 1.60-14
netbeans 6.9.1-1
netcfg 2.5.4-1
network-manager-applet 0.8.2-2
networkmanager 0.8.3-0.20110113
nitrogen 1.5.1-1
notification-daemon 0.4.0-4
ntfs-3g 2011.1.15-1
ogle 0.9.2-12
openal 1.12.854-2
openjdk6 6.b20_1.9.5-1
openldap 2.4.23-4
openntpd 3.9p1-13
openssh 5.8p1-1
ortp 0.16.3-1
p7zip 9.13-2
pacman 3.4.3-1
pacman-mirrorlist 20101223-1
pam 1.1.3-1
parcellite 0.9.3-1
patch 2.6.1-2
pciutils 3.1.7-3
pcmciautils 017-1
pcre 8.12-1
perl 5.12.3-1
pkg-config 0.25-3
pmtools 20101124-1
poppler 0.16.2-2
poppler-data 0.4.4-1
popt 1.16-3
powertop 1.13-2
preload 0.6.4-2
procinfo-ng 2.0.304-2
procps 3.2.8-3
psmisc 22.13-1
pwgen 2.06-2
pycrypto 2.3-1
python-dateutil 1.5-2
python-notify 0.1.1-8
python-rsvg 2.32.0-4
qt 4.7.1-3
readline 6.1.002-2
reiserfsprogs 3.6.21-3
samba 3.5.6-1
sdparm 1.06-1
sed 4.2.1-3
splix 2.0.0-7
sshfs 2.2-3
strace 4.5.20-1
streamripper 1.64.6-1
subversion 1.6.15-1
sudo 1.7.4.p6-1
sweethome3d 3.0-1
sysfsutils 2.1.0-5
syslog-ng 3.2.1-1
system-config-printer-gnome 1.2.6-1
sysvinit 2.88-2
tar 1.25-1
tcp_wrappers 7.6-12
tcpdump 4.1.1-1
terminator 0.95-2
testdisk 6.11.3-3
texinfo 4.13a-5
thunderbird-de 3.1.7-1
thunderbird-ru 3.1.7-1
transcode 1.1.5-5
transmission-gtk 2.13-1
ttf-dejavu 2.32-2
ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-7
twf-unofficial 0.4-1
tzdata 2010o-1
ubuntulooks 0.9.12-2
udev 165-1
unrar 4.0.6-1
unzip 6.0-5
upm 1.6-1
usbutils 001-2
util-linux-ng 2.18-4
valgrind 3.6.0-3
vi 050325-3
vim 7.3.102-1
vlc 1.1.7-2
vlc-plugin 1.1.7-2
volti 0.2.3-1
wget 1.12-2
which 2.20-4
wine 1.3.13-1
wings-bin 1.2-1
wireshark-gtk 1.4.3-1
worldofgoo 1.41-2
wpa_supplicant 0.7.3-1
wxformbuilder 3.1.70-1
xarchiver 0.5.2-1
xcursor-neutralplus 1.2-2
xf86-input-synaptics 1.3.0-2
xf86-video-intel 2.14.0-1
xfsprogs 3.1.4-1
xinetd 2.3.14-6
xmms2 0.7DrNo-8
xorg-server 1.9.4-1
xorg-xinit 1.3.0-2
xterm 267-1
yelp 2.30.2-1
zim 0.49-1
zip 3.0-1.1
zlib 1.2.5-3


#2 2011-02-10 12:38:52

Registered: 2009-08-05
Posts: 10

Re: libgnome and bonono dependency issues

I was having a similar issue myself (terminator would not run without python2-bonobo). I couldn't for the life of me figure out why (especially when others were reporting no need for the package). I tried fresh user accounts, everything.

FInally after doing some system cleaning (to finally get rid of hal), I ended up getting rid of python2-bonobo and terminator was still working smile
My best guess is that the removal of libgnome stopped terminator from detecting a "gnome session" which triggers the bonobo support.


#3 2011-02-10 12:40:30

Registered: 2009-08-05
Posts: 10

Re: libgnome and bonono dependency issues

In case anyone is interrested, here is the section of my pacman log during the "cleaning" that resulted in being able to use terminator without python2-bonobo.

[2011-02-08 12:03] Running 'pacman -Rs thunar-vfs'
[2011-02-08 12:03] Running 'pacman -Rs thunar-vfs squeeze'
[2011-02-08 12:03] removed squeeze (0.2.3-4)
[2011-02-08 12:04] removed thunar-vfs (1.2.0-2)
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs libgnome'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox'
[2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome'
[2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome mysql-gui-tools libbonoboui'
[2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui'
[2011-02-08 12:07] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui gsynaptics mysql-gui-tools'
[2011-02-08 12:07] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui gsynaptics mysql-gui-tools baobab gnucash'
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gnucash (2.2.9-10)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed slib (3b3-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libofx (0.9.1-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed opensp (1.5.2-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed goffice (0.8.12-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] Updating Font Cache
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed baobab (2.4.2-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed mysql-gui-tools (5.0r14-4)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gtkhtml (3.32.1-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gsynaptics (0.9.16-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed rhythmbox (0.13.3-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed totem-plparser (2.32.2-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gconf (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-mako (0.3.4-4)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-markupsafe (0.9.2-2)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-beaker (1.5.4-2)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed media-player-info (12-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgpod (0.8.0-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed mutagen (1.20-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libdmapsharing (2.1.8-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed json-glib (0.12.2-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gvfs-afc (1.6.6-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libimobiledevice (1.0.4-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed usbmuxd (1.0.6-2)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libplist (1.3-2)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-libgnome (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-bonobo (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed pyorbit (2.24.0-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gnomecanvas (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnomeui (2.24.4-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libbonoboui (2.24.4-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnomecanvas (2.30.3-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnome (2.32.0-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnome-data (2.32.0-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gnomevfs (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libbonobo (2.32.0-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gnome-vfs (2.24.4-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed hal (0.5.14-6)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed dmidecode (2.11-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
[2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -S ha'
[2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -S hal'
[2011-02-08 12:09] installed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
[2011-02-08 12:09] installed dmidecode (2.11-1)
[2011-02-08 12:09] installed hal (0.5.14-6)
[2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
[2011-02-08 12:09] removed hal (0.5.14-6)
[2011-02-08 12:09] removed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
[2011-02-08 12:09] removed dmidecode (2.11-1)


#4 2011-02-10 19:05:46

Registered: 2009-03-01
Posts: 35

Re: libgnome and bonono dependency issues

Problem solved python2-bonobo should be a dependency of python2-gnome.


#5 2011-02-10 21:15:42

Registered: 2009-08-05
Posts: 10

Re: libgnome and bonono dependency issues

@scorp exactly. It was determined by some other members that it was in fact python2-gnome that was calling up python2-bonobo. If anyone experiences this problem, try getting rid of python2-gnome and see if it fixes your problem.


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