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This ruby script can fill your mpd playlist based on data, but using your own songs.
It's not perfected and a bit rough around the edges, but it works quite well for me.
I am open to suggestions and bug reports.
You can edit the mpd connection config within this file
using following syntax
mpd_host: "localhost"
mpd_port: "6600"
currently supported features:
- generating a playlist based on top tracks for an artist
- generating an m3u file for a playlist
- playlist by tag
- playlists based on similar tracks
Usage: genplaylist
-h, --help Displays this help info
-a, --artist Get top tracks for specified artist
-s, --similar Get similar tracks for currently playing song
-t, --tag Get top tracks for specified tag
-m, --m3u Generate m3u file
Last edited by xdeusx (2011-02-18 19:17:30)