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About a month ago, I decided to reinstall arch on my old rig. I have two Hard drives in it, one is SATA, the other IDE. The sata drive held my /home partition, and I had no intention of formatting it. However, at some point the process failed (the details are already escaping me), and I decided to try again. At this point I realized that all of the changes that I had intended to make to the IDE drive were performed on both drives simultaneously. (I remember that early on, there was some indication that the two drives were being confused, but I can't remember what it was). Out of sheer stupidity, I decided to make sure that it was not a user error, and installed again, and confirmed that it was NOT something that I was doing as it happened again. (I have done quite a few installs both arch and other distributions without ever making a mistake like this, and I am totally confident that this was not purely a user error)
Anyway, the short version is that my sata drive, that has years of accumulated photos, documents and music has been repartitioned and reformatted at least twice. I know that there is software out there that can help with recovery of lost data (including dd and rescuedd), but would it be possible to recover the data under these circumstances? There were actually two partitions on that drive, and I can't even remember the exact size of each one!
I guess that I should mention that the problem didn't seem to be confined to cfdisk because the programs that install the FS's doesn't directly involve cfdisk.
Last edited by Convergence (2011-02-24 08:31:33)
It's a very deadly weapon to know what you're doing
--- William Murderface