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I just updated my system, and after reboot I get error: Could not load lib/modules/2.6.37-ARCH No such file or directory.
System contines to boot, and after that i get black screen. Any advice what to do?
Thank in advance.
System was unable to use command "depmod". I found out there was problem with /etc/profile so I edited it, and after relog everthing worked fine.
Last edited by Duka (2011-04-16 21:24:40)
Cthulhu Fhtagn!
Were there any errors when you issued the upgrade command? Can you boot the fallback kernel? If not, you could mount your drive from an installation cd and check the pacman and kernel logs for errors.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
After that kernel update I chrooted into arch using live disc, checked log for errors, ran again pacman -S kernel26 rebooted and I was able to login. Few day later, new kernel was released, I upgraded again and same story happend. So now I blocked kernel26 package, and will wait for 2.6.38 release. Sorry for ressurection, I tottaly forgot about this topic.
Cthulhu Fhtagn!
Pages: 1