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For couple of weeks I am occasionally seeing a strange problem.
When I use Yaourt I get some issues that I suspect might be caused by some bash configuration problem.
Here is the output:
$ yaourt -Syua
You are not allowed to launch pacman with sudonPlease enter root password
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core 37.1K 3.6M/s 00:00:00 [############################################] 100%
extra 466.7K 467.0K/s 00:00:01 [############################################] 100%
community 430.5K 824.4K/s 00:00:01 [############################################] 100%
archlinuxfr is up to date
aspell-sk: up to date
bleachbit-svn: up to date
argyllcms: up to date
exfalso: up to date
cairo-ubuntu: up to date
eclipse-classic: not found on AUR
doublecmd-svn: (local=3050-1 aur=3047-1)
caffeine: (ignoring package upgrade)
firefox4: up to date
florence: up to date
freetype2-ubuntu: up to date
gnome-theme-bamboo-zen: up to date
gnome-theme-eco: up to date
gnome-theme-ellanna: up to date
gnome-theme-exotic: up to date
gnome-theme-industrial: up to date
gnome-theme-infinity: up to date
gnome-theme-orange: up to date
gnome-theme-step-into-freedom: up to date
gnome-theme-showtime: up to date
gnome-theme-tropical: up to date
gnome-theme-ubuntu-sunrise: up to date
gnome-theme-wild-shine: up to date
google-earth: up to date
google-talkplugin: up to date
gtk-candido-engine: up to date
graveman: up to date
gnome-theme-airlines: up to date
ld-lsb: up to date
gwget: up to date
libjpeg: not found on AUR
libjpeg6: up to date
fontconfig-ubuntu: up to date
murrine-themes-collection: up to date
packer: (local=20110305-1 aur=20110301-1)
openssl-compatibility: up to date
phatch: up to date
gnome-theme-split: up to date
libxft-ubuntu: up to date
pidgin-gtalksharedstatus: up to date
qgtkstyle-svn: not found on AUR
rawtherapee-hg: (local=374-1 aur=201-1)
qshntoolsplit: up to date
remobo: up to date
remotedroid-server: up to date
ttf-ms-fonts: up to date
humanity-icons: up to date
ttf-ubuntu-family-fonts: not found on AUR
virtualbox-ext-oracle: up to date
util-linux-ng: not found on AUR
teamviewer: up to date
xcalib: up to date
gnome-color-manager: up to date
gnome-theme-aquadreams: up to date
xxe: up to date
==> Package upgrade only (new release):
core/mkinitcpio 0.6.8-1 1 -> 2
extra/krusader 2.3.0beta1-2 2 -> 3
extra/mplayer 32792-2 2 -> 3
extra/network-manager-applet 0.8.2-2 2 -> 3
community/jre 6u24-1 1 -> 2
community/jdk 6u24-1 1 -> 2
aur/android-sdk r10-1 1 -> 2
==> Software upgrade (new version) :
core/dhcpcd 5.2.10-1 -> 5.2.11-1
core/iw 0.9.20-1 -> 0.9.22-1
core/ncurses 5.7-4 -> 5.8-1
core/kernel26 ->
core/kernel26-headers ->
core/libmpc 0.8.2-3 -> 0.9-1
core/ppl 0.11-1 -> 0.11.2-1
core/shadow ->
extra/libgl 7.10.0.git20110215-1 -> 7.10.1-1
extra/ati-dri 7.10.0.git20110215-1 -> 7.10.1-1
extra/kdelibs 4.6.0-3 -> 4.6.1-1
extra/oxygen-icons 4.6.0-1 -> 4.6.1-1
extra/kdebase-runtime 4.6.0-2 -> 4.6.1-1
extra/kdebase-workspace 4.6.0-3 -> 4.6.1-1
extra/kdepimlibs 4.6.0-1 -> 4.6.1-1
extra/mesa 7.10.0.git20110215-1 -> 7.10.1-1
extra/mobile-broadband-provider-info 20100510-1 -> 20110218-1
extra/thunderbird 3.1.7-3 -> 3.1.9-1
community/wine 1.3.14-1 -> 1.3.15-1
archlinuxfr/yaourt ->
aur/desktop-privileges 0.1-2 -> 0.2-2
aur/xulrunner-system-cairo ->
==> New package :
/usr/bin/yaourt: eval: line 24: syntax error near unexpected token `required'
/usr/bin/yaourt: eval: line 24: `echo (required by $requiredbypkg)'
core/util-linux 2.19-4
==> Continue upgrade ? [Y/n]
==> [V]iew package detail [M]anually select packages
==> --------------------------------------------------
==> n
Please note the first problem:
"You are not allowed to launch pacman with sudonPlease enter root password"
I checked the line of code and it reads:
"echo -e $(eval_gettext 'You are not allowed to launch $command with sudo\nPlease enter root password') 1>&2"
So obviously, the "\n" direction is not respected here. I tried to reproduce this problem in my bash prompt, but there everything seems to work as expected.
$ echo -e "aaaa\nbbbb"
After upgrade to the latest Yaourt version ( this is gone and Yaourt only promps like this:
$ yaourt -S yaourt
But there is second problem:
/usr/bin/yaourt: eval: line 24: syntax error near unexpected token `required'
/usr/bin/yaourt: eval: line 24: `echo (required by $requiredbypkg)'
Which is still persistent and was not solved by version upgrade. I have feeling in the gut, that it might have the same culprit.
I also have second Archlinux box (notebook) with installation that is very similar to this one. I have cloned it, but removed some packages. Most of the system is the same. This problem is not present there and Yaourt works fine.
I know that Yaourt is not officially supported and there are other frontends, but I prefer Yaourt.
Does anyone have idea what might be the problem?
Last edited by Raqua (2011-03-10 18:46:04)
With regard to the sudo problem: sudo recently underwent an upgrade that featured a rewriting of its plugins, including /etc/sudoers; I noticed the same issues for a couple days. Add your user to the "wheel" group again, and it should clear things up.
I do not use or have installed sudo.
I got advice on yaourt buglist.
The problem was missing gettext package. I wonder, why the do not have it as a dependency.
gettext is part of the base group. Generally packages in base and base-devel are not included in deps as you should have them installed.
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