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#1 2011-03-17 18:00:48

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 21

obmenu - new menu not saved

obmenu has been working fine, while adding/removing items like firefox, nautilus, etc..

However, new menus are not showing up. I've tried rebooting, doesn't work. Anybody know why?


#2 2011-03-23 13:29:07

From: Lima
Registered: 2011-03-13
Posts: 16

Re: obmenu - new menu not saved

The same happens to me, I have it installed on two machines. My laptop has openbox and also gnome installed, and in there it works flawlessly, but in the desktop, where I only have openbox it only works when adding stuff to the menu categories that came as default, whenever I try to create a new one or to rearrange the order of the categories it fails to load. I have tried to modify the menus by directly editing the menu.xml fle, and still the problem persists. If I remove the menu.xml it reconfigures to the default menu, i've tried modifiying that one by replacing its xml code to the one I need and still the same problem applies!!! (I just did a copy paste of my menu.xml to the one it creates by default).

Does anyone have a clue?

Thanks a lot!

Archlinux KDE user.


#3 2011-09-16 09:33:23

Registered: 2010-10-05
Posts: 26

Re: obmenu - new menu not saved

I have got the same problem. Can not figure out why. The menu.xml looks accurate!

Edit: for me, that's fixed: check your menu.xml REALLY carefully. Mine was corrupt, but syntactically correct. It happend when I myself edited it in an non-obmenu-kind-of-way big_smile

Last edited by grandtheft (2011-09-16 09:49:02)


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