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So I booted up one of my desktops, and everything seemed to go fine. I had a livecd in at the time, and it booted into it. I was being impatient, so I did a hard restart right when it was loading the livecd. When I turned it back on, my computer started to beep endlessly. They were just long beeps, about 2 seconds apart. I started trying to troubleshoot, by pulling out individual pieces of hardware. Once I had removed all of my peripherals, I pulled out the BIOS battery and then replaced it after about a minute. Nothing. Then I reseated the CPU and pulled out a piece of hardware that I had missed(the wired ethernet NIC). The beeping stopped, but when I plugged my monitor cable into the onboard graphics card, nothing was displayed. I replaced my graphics card and all of my hardware, nothing was displayed. I think my MOBO died on me, but I'm not sure. What do you guys think?
Last edited by jayd3e (2011-03-19 04:25:54)
You may have, I destroyed my onboard ethernet by doing that once.
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
Have you try replacing your RAM, it's the problem most of the time. If I was you and I did replacing RAM, I would give up and buy a new one.
And maybe it's sick. How about an icebag?
No, seriously, maybe it's too hot or something, leave it be for someday and try again then give up if it still fails.
Just so you know, I'm no hardware expert, don't mind me if you think I'm wrong.
tsujeruplive, tnarongisi... ... ... ... ɥsılƃuǝ sı sıɥʇ
Lots of BIOS POST beeps usually means RAM as lives2evil states. Pull out the RAM sticks, clean their contacts with a pink eraser and rubbing alcohol, reseat the RAM sticks and reboot, then get a Live Linux CD and run memtest.
At least try that before writing off the mobo.
Philosophy is looking for a black cat in a dark room. Metaphysics is looking for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there. Religion is looking for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there and shouting "I found it!". Science is looking for a black cat in a dark room with a flashlight.
I didn't replace the RAM recently. I will try the memory trick, but I don't know.....I would think I would at least see the MOBO splash screen if it was a problem with anything other than the MOBO.
Last edited by jayd3e (2011-03-19 06:28:47)
AFAIK, No RAM means no running, no bios screen, no splash or whatsoever.
tsujeruplive, tnarongisi... ... ... ... ɥsılƃuǝ sı sıɥʇ
I didn't replace the RAM recently. I will try the memory trick, but I don't know.....I would think I would at least see the MOBO splash screen if it was a problem with anything other than the MOBO.
RAM can go bad (not all ram problems are due to improper connection), so an issue with RAM could happen without warning.
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Infinite long BEEP is your motherboard telling you that your RAM and/or graphic card are not working... Probably all you have to do is reseat that hardware and you are good to go!
And you could also try to reset the bios using the motherboard's jumper instead of removing the battery(read the manual, usualy it's a jumper near the battery with the name CLR_CMOS)
don't forget to replace the old thermal compound with new one when reseating a CPU or you might cause overheat.
my guess is that you have a low quality powersupply and it discharged some extra voltage with that hard shutdown, destroing your RAM module... it happens, and it sucks
.::. TigTex @ Portugal .::.
BIOS beeps indicate an error code, even if the most common occurrence is a ram problem it doesn't mean it is _always_ a ram problem.
Every BIOS type (Phoenix/Award/AMI/whatever) has different error codes so you have to look for the error codes for the type of BIOS your motherboard is using. If you don't know, (shame on you for not turning off the fancy boot graphics ) then you'll have to look for the error codes for all/most common/whatever you can find types of BIOS and try to match the error code you have with the error codes for each type of BIOS. Some error codes are unique to each type of BIOS so it shouldn't take too long to get a good idea of what's wrong.