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Haha just kidding... actually its just the run dialog... go ahead and flame away
# A wholly misguided attempt at emulating the windows run dialog
xterm -geometry 30x1+600+0 \
-rv \
-fn 7x14 \
-T "Run Program" \
-e 'echo -n "> "; read -e CMD; nohup $CMD & \ ; sleep 1; exit'
I am curious how I can send command to the background, i.e. start an arbitrary program and have it fork so the window doesn't stay open forever.
Fixed with falconindy's suggestion. Exec doesn't seem to work, but nohup does (for somethings).
Last edited by codeRage (2011-03-20 18:41:45)
We already have exactly 2⁹⁷⁶⁸⁹⁵⁴⁷⁸ pieces of software that do what your program does. But it's far away from being a waste of time... I'm amazed to see, how simple things can be.