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#1 2011-03-22 12:56:14

Registered: 2011-03-22
Posts: 8

Xfce with Xscreensaver Problem, Errors and Transparent Loading.

Hi I'm new to Arch but I'm absolutely amazed how configurable the system is and with the amount of info on the wikis! Unfortunately I'm stuck on an Xscreensaver issue in my Xfce install.

The first problem I'm having is how it runs; in my expert technical terms;

It loads, the screen goes black but then the desktop shows again and I get a sort of semi-transparent screensaver? So I can see conky and the wallpaper as well as the (glmatrix) screensaver running?

Second thing is when I logout I see the following messages;

xscreensaver  12:46:10 Can't open display: :0
              12:46:10 running as carbon/users (1000/100)

I tried to be careful when reading the wiki for Xscreensaver and others when I was installing the system so I can't think of any obvious reason this is happening. Any help you can give would be really appreciated!! I've added my ".xscreensaver" config file below incase it's really obvious (sorry).

# XScreenSaver Preferences File
# Written by xscreensaver-demo 5.12 for carbon on Tue Mar 22 12:18:29 2011.

timeout:    0:02:00
cycle:        0:10:00
lock:        False
lockTimeout:    0:00:00
passwdTimeout:    0:00:30
visualID:    default
installColormap:    True
verbose:    False
timestamp:    True
splash:        True
splashDuration:    0:00:05
demoCommand:    xscreensaver-demo
prefsCommand:    xscreensaver-demo -prefs
nice:        10
memoryLimit:    0
fade:        True
unfade:        False
fadeSeconds:    0:00:03
fadeTicks:    20
captureStderr:    True
font:        *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*
dpmsEnabled:    False
dpmsStandby:    2:00:00
dpmsSuspend:    2:00:00
dpmsOff:    4:00:00
grabDesktopImages:  True
grabVideoFrames:    False
chooseRandomImages: False

mode:        one
selected:    142

textMode:    file
textLiteral:    XScreenSaver
textProgram:    fortune

programs:                                      \
                maze -root                    \n\
  GL:                 superquadrics -root                \n\
                attraction -root                \n\
                blitspin -root                    \n\
                greynetic -root                    \n\
                helix -root                    \n\
                hopalong -root                    \n\
                imsmap -root                    \n\
-                noseguy -root                    \n\
-                pyro -root                    \n\
                qix -root                    \n\
-                rocks -root                    \n\
                rorschach -root                    \n\
                decayscreen -root                \n\
                flame -root                    \n\
                halo -root                    \n\
                slidescreen -root                \n\
                pedal -root                    \n\
                bouboule -root                    \n\
-                braid -root                    \n\
                coral -root                    \n\
                deco -root                    \n\
                drift -root                    \n\
-                fadeplot -root                    \n\
                galaxy -root                    \n\
                goop -root                    \n\
                grav -root                    \n\
                ifs -root                    \n\
  GL:                 jigsaw -root                    \n\
                julia -root                    \n\
-                kaleidescope -root                \n\
  GL:                 moebius -root                    \n\
                moire -root                    \n\
  GL:                 morph3d -root                    \n\
                mountain -root                    \n\
                munch -root                    \n\
                penrose -root                    \n\
  GL:                 pipes -root                    \n\
                rd-bomb -root                    \n\
  GL:                 rubik -root                    \n\
-                sierpinski -root                \n\
                slip -root                    \n\
  GL:                 sproingies -root                \n\
                starfish -root                    \n\
                strange -root                    \n\
                swirl -root                    \n\
                triangle -root                    \n\
                xjack -root                    \n\
                xlyap -root                    \n\
  GL:                 atlantis -root                    \n\
                bsod -root                    \n\
  GL:                 bubble3d -root                    \n\
  GL:                 cage -root                    \n\
-                crystal -root                    \n\
                cynosure -root                    \n\
                discrete -root                    \n\
                distort -root                    \n\
                epicycle -root                    \n\
                flow -root                    \n\
- GL:                 glplanet -root                    \n\
                interference -root                \n\
                kumppa -root                    \n\
  GL:                 lament -root                    \n\
                moire2 -root                    \n\
  GL:                 sonar -root                    \n\
  GL:                 stairs -root                    \n\
                truchet -root                    \n\
-                vidwhacker -root                \n\
                blaster -root                    \n\
                bumps -root                    \n\
                ccurve -root                    \n\
                compass -root                    \n\
                deluxe -root                    \n\
-                demon -root                    \n\
- GL:                 extrusion -root                    \n\
-                loop -root                    \n\
                penetrate -root                    \n\
                petri -root                    \n\
                phosphor -root                    \n\
  GL:                 pulsar -root                    \n\
                ripples -root                    \n\
                shadebobs -root                    \n\
  GL:                 sierpinski3d -root                \n\
                spotlight -root                    \n\
                squiral -root                    \n\
                wander -root                    \n\
-                webcollage -root                \n\
                xflame -root                    \n\
                xmatrix -root                    \n\
  GL:                 gflux -root                    \n\
-                nerverot -root                    \n\
                xrayswarm -root                    \n\
                xspirograph -root                \n\
  GL:                 circuit -root                    \n\
  GL:                 dangerball -root                \n\
- GL:                 dnalogo -root                    \n\
  GL:                 engine -root                    \n\
  GL:                 flipscreen3d -root                \n\
  GL:                 gltext -root                    \n\
  GL:                 menger -root                    \n\
  GL:                 molecule -root                    \n\
                rotzoomer -root                    \n\
                speedmine -root                    \n\
  GL:                 starwars -root                    \n\
  GL:                 stonerview -root                \n\
                vermiculate -root                \n\
                whirlwindwarp -root                \n\
                zoom -root                    \n\
                anemone -root                    \n\
                apollonian -root                \n\
  GL:                 boxed -root                    \n\
  GL:                 cubenetic -root                    \n\
  GL:                 endgame -root                    \n\
                euler2d -root                    \n\
                fluidballs -root                \n\
  GL:                 flurry -root                    \n\
- GL:                 glblur -root                    \n\
  GL:                 glsnake -root                    \n\
                halftone -root                    \n\
  GL:                 juggler3d -root                    \n\
  GL:                 lavalite -root                    \n\
-                polyominoes -root                \n\
  GL:                 queens -root                    \n\
- GL:                 sballs -root                    \n\
  GL:                 spheremonics -root                \n\
-                thornbird -root                    \n\
                twang -root                    \n\
- GL:                 antspotlight -root                \n\
                apple2 -root                    \n\
  GL:                 atunnel -root                    \n\
                barcode -root                    \n\
  GL:                 blinkbox -root                    \n\
  GL:                 blocktube -root                    \n\
  GL:                 bouncingcow -root                \n\
                cloudlife -root                    \n\
  GL:                 cubestorm -root                    \n\
                eruption -root                    \n\
  GL:                 flipflop -root                    \n\
  GL:                 flyingtoasters -root                \n\
                fontglide -root                    \n\
  GL:                 gleidescope -root                \n\
  GL:                 glknots -root                    \n\
  GL:                 glmatrix -root                    \n\
- GL:                 glslideshow -root                \n\
  GL:                 hypertorus -root                \n\
- GL:                 jigglypuff -root                \n\
                metaballs -root                    \n\
  GL:                 mirrorblob -root                \n\
                piecewise -root                    \n\
  GL:                 polytopes -root                    \n\
                pong -root                    \n\
                popsquares -root                \n\
  GL:                 surfaces -root                    \n\
                xanalogtv -root                    \n\
-                abstractile -root                \n\
                anemotaxis -root                \n\
- GL:                 antinspect -root                \n\
                fireworkx -root                    \n\
                fuzzyflakes -root                \n\
                interaggregate -root                \n\
                intermomentary -root                \n\
                memscroller -root                \n\
  GL:                 noof -root                    \n\
                pacman -root                    \n\
  GL:                 pinion -root                    \n\
  GL:                 polyhedra -root                    \n\
- GL:                 providence -root                \n\
                substrate -root                    \n\
                wormhole -root                    \n\
- GL:                 antmaze -root                    \n\
  GL:                 boing -root                    \n\
                boxfit -root                    \n\
  GL:                 carousel -root                    \n\
                celtic -root                    \n\
  GL:                 crackberg -root                    \n\
  GL:                 cube21 -root                    \n\
                fiberlamp -root                    \n\
  GL:                 fliptext -root                    \n\
  GL:                 glhanoi -root                    \n\
  GL:                 tangram -root                    \n\
  GL:                 timetunnel -root                \n\
  GL:                 glschool -root                    \n\
  GL:                 topblock -root                    \n\
  GL:                 cubicgrid -root                    \n\
                cwaves -root                    \n\
  GL:                 gears -root                    \n\
  GL:                 glcells -root                    \n\
  GL:                 lockward -root                    \n\
                m6502 -root                    \n\
  GL:                 moebiusgears -root                \n\
  GL:                 voronoi -root                    \n\
  GL:                 hypnowheel -root                \n\
  GL:                 klein -root                    \n\
-                lcdscrub -root                    \n\
  GL:                 photopile -root                    \n\
  GL:                 skytentacles -root                \n\
  GL:                 rubikblocks -root                \n\
                electricsheep --root 1                \n\

pointerPollTime:    0:00:05
pointerHysteresis:  10
initialDelay:    0:00:00
sgiSaverExtension:  True
xidleExtension:    True
procInterrupts:    True
xinputExtensionDev: True
overlayStderr:    True

Last edited by phrac (2011-03-22 13:25:41)


#2 2011-03-22 15:46:34

Registered: 2011-03-22
Posts: 8

Re: Xfce with Xscreensaver Problem, Errors and Transparent Loading.


I logged in and executed;

xscreensaver &

and got:

xscreensaver: 15:39:26: already running on display :0.0 (window 0x800001)

So I guess I've confirmed that the logout errors seem to be a result of X shutting down when I logout, back to tty1 and that xscreensaver is running OK after startx. Now I just need to work out why it doesn't seem to properly "override" the desktop and runs with something like 50% transparency ... smile

Last edited by phrac (2011-03-22 15:48:44)


#3 2011-03-23 13:05:13

Registered: 2010-03-19
Posts: 1,191

Re: Xfce with Xscreensaver Problem, Errors and Transparent Loading.

I'm also running Xfce and xscreensaver (including glmatrix) and have no such problem. I compared my .xscreensaver and yours but the only differences are the timeout, dpms settings and mode (random here.)
I'm not running Conky.
Intel video drivers.


#4 2011-03-23 16:29:10

Registered: 2011-03-22
Posts: 8

Re: Xfce with Xscreensaver Problem, Errors and Transparent Loading.

Hi stqn and thanks for your help. I am a big fan of xfce so it's great to hear it can be done properly with arch!

I'll try disabling some stuff like conky and see what results I get. I've got an old system with an even older nvidia card so I'll take a look at the hardware too. If I find a fix I'll update the thread with what I did...


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