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"Solved" this by using arch32-light instead.
Hello -
I'm trying to build an i686 archiso livecd within an x86_64 environment and I'm getting errors.
Here's the command sequence I'm using:
(as root)
pacman -S devtools --noconfirm --needed
linux32 mkarchroot /tmp/somedir base
linux32 mkarchroot -r bash /tmp/somedir
pacman -S git squashfs-tools syslinux devtools cdrkit make nbd mkinitcpio-nfs-utils
At this point pacman throws an error - wrong architecture. I can correct this by running pacman -Syy - the packages will then install.
Next command sequence:
cd /tmp
git clone git://
I then get an error that says "/usr/bin/git command not found (or something along those lines!)
But git is installed and available on that path.
I'm sure I'm doing something really basic & stupid but I don't know what it is - can anyone suggest the solution?
Last edited by clearloon (2011-03-28 12:18:58)
For what it's worth, I just followed the directions for archiso for borth x86_64 and i686 on a x86_64 system today without too much problems.
I created a dual architecture iso via the resulting isos and everything seems ok.
I did a corrupted package(s) messages for both architectures the first time running make in /tmp/archiso/configs/syslinux-iso
Thanks dpreilan - always good to get someone else's experience.
I also had problems using arch32 - as it turns out, you need to use the command "linux32" in front of anythjing outside the chroot. That's probably obviuos to someone more experienced than me but it wasn't apparent from any of the instructions I found online.
Figured it out in the end though!