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#1 2011-04-06 12:12:34

Forum Fellow
From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,358

Odd issue with external monitors and nvidia graphics

I'm not sure if anyone has experienced this, but recently almost all the external monitors I'm plugging my nvidia 9300M into are showing flickering (horizontal lines moving up and down like an old TV set).

Its not VERY noticeable except with a grayish/brownish background (pure white/pure black and you can't see it). I thought it was my monitor (which recently blew a capacitor) but its been happening on some other monitors I've tested as well, to different degrees.

I'm also wondering whether its to do with horizontal sync/vertical refresh, but then again I can't see a way to determine those values (and it hasn't been a problem before).

Ideas, anyone?

EDIT: Checked the horizsync/vertrefresh rates against some factory defaults I found in a spec sheet somewhere, no difference.... my GC may be giving up the ghost, perhaps? It happens when booted into the Windows 7 install as well....

Last edited by ngoonee (2011-04-06 12:29:35)

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