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I just checked out the gnu classpath website, and it seems like it has almost full 1.4 compatibility (not concidering stuff like corba). At the same time more and more opensource java apps are popping up. (like sudman1s abs tool and not to forget the mighty ensmer)
Im therefor wondering how important it is for you that java apps like this can run/compile using kaffe/classpath or if you are fine with using suns java (which is at version 1.5 with a couple of extra features that are really nice and missing from kaffe/classpath)?
to put it simple : would you not use an opensource java app if it depends on suns jvm ?
Suns closed jvm is just one of the many reasons to avoid Java for me.
To simply answer your question: No, I wouldn't use any open source app which depends on Sun's jvm.
Though depending on how bloated the OSS vm is I still wouldn't use it, but the chance increased.
I'm becoming more and more interested in developing for open source Java. The duplication of effort seriously disturbs me -- if Sun opened their implementation, everybody could be working on the same thing.
It would have to support Java 5 though, Its so much easier to code in.
So, I'm sticking with Sun for now, but when Kaffe supports Java 5, I'll try to ensure my code runs on it.
I believe Sun will open their implementation eventually. They don't have much choice. ;-)
I really don't see the problem with Sun's jvm - it's freely available so I think you should make use of it. I started coding java because I was using Windows - sun's jvm was free and every other compiler I could find for Windows was expensive. It was the best way for me to code - now I'm just really comfortable with it.
Just my 2 cents
One thing I forgot to mention, I'm interested in distributing some of my files on a LiveCD -- an open source JVM would make me much more comfortable, because of the licensing issues.
Sun's the only one for me right now. I wouldn't develop on anything else. It's nice to know that there are free runtime's available though. Besides, Sun comes with a zip file of all of their source so, at least you can inspect it if you choose.
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]