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#1 2011-04-21 01:33:32

Registered: 2010-08-09
Posts: 405

aif trouble

# this config explains the (all) available options.
# the variables are optional and we define their defaults here (so you could omit the
# definitions), unless otherwise specified.

SOURCE=net #change to 'net' to do a network install
# FILE_URL=file:///src/core/pkg
SYNC_URL=$repo/os/$arch # optional, if you do netinstall use a repository string like$repo/os/$arch (the same format as what you find in /etc/pacman.conf)
HARDWARECLOCK=localtime # UTC is the better option, but some OS'es don't support it (i.e. Windows)
# Do you want to have additional pacman repositories or packages available at runtime (during installation)?
# RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES = array like this ('name1' 'location of repo 1' ['name2' 'location of repo2',..])
# space separated list

# packages to install
TARGET_GROUPS=base       # all packages in this group will be installed (defaults to base if no group and no packages are specified)
TARGET_PACKAGES_EXCLUDE= # Exclude these packages if they are member of one of the groups in TARGET_GROUPS.  example: 'nano reiserfsprogs' (they are in base)
TARGET_PACKAGES="$(cat /march/packages.list)" # you can also specify separate packages to install (this is empty by default)

# you can optionally also override some functions...
worker_intro () {
    inform "Automatic procedure running the march-profile config.  THIS WILL ERASE AND OVERWRITE YOUR /DEV/SDA.  IF YOU DO NOT WANT THIS PRESS CTRL+C WITHIN 10 SECONDS"
    sleep 10

worker_configure_system () {

    # copy files
    cp /etc/sudoers $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/
    cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/pacman.d/
    cp /etc/locale.gen $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/
    cp /etc/pacman.conf $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/
    cp /etc/rc.conf $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/

    # setup
    $var_TARGET_DIR/usr/sbin/useradd -m -g users -G audio,floppy,lp,network,optical,power,storage,video,wheel march
    cp -r /etc/skel/* $var_TARGET_DIR/home/march/
    'login -f march' > $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/rc.local


# These variables are mandatory

PARTITIONS='/dev/sda 100:ext2:+ 512:swap *:ext4'
BLOCKDATA='/dev/sda1 raw no_label ext2;yes;/boot;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params
/dev/sda2 raw no_label swap;yes;no_mountpoint;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params
/dev/sda3 raw no_label ext4;yes;/;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params'

This is the code that I use for aif automatic. it can format the disk, but fail to install packages. and it also fail to config the system. Can anyone help me?

"After you do enough distro research, you will choose Arch."


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