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Pages: 1
I'm kind of confused because acpi is not listed as a dependency for acpid, so they are obviously two seperate things. Can you explain what the difference is exactly (aside from the obvious fact one is a deamon and one isn't, unless that is the only difference).
Last edited by amadar (2011-04-25 08:40:51)
I've also wondered about this recently, as i had acpid installed and running, but then i installed something (cant remember what it was at the minute, but i think it might have been laptop-mode-tools) and it wouldnt work.
After narrowing it down to not picking up acpi signals i installed acpi and it worked fine from then on.
Id also like to know when each is required, and the differences between them
Those aren't really related.
'acpi' is just, well, to quote the man page: "Shows information from the /proc or the /sys filesystem"
'acpid' on the other hand is something like hal, just for monitoring ACPI events. It notifies other programs or dispatches scripts you wrote yourself.
Edit: too quick
Last edited by .:B:. (2011-04-25 11:02:47)
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
So I'm guessing acpi is just a tool so you don't have to dig through those really long /sys and /proc directories to see info, whereas acpid actually notifies when things change, maybe?
Yes..... as byte already said.
Pages: 1