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#1 2011-05-03 19:16:54

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

[solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

There is a great post here … stem-tray/ how to run Hamster in the system tray now that Gnome 3 has come out.

I tried it but it's failing for me. sad

I can't even run hamster alone if I "cd src" and then run it I get:

[src]$ ./hamster-applet -w
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./hamster-applet", line 22, in <module>
    import gtk, gnomeapplet
ImportError: No module named gnomeapplet

I have installed every package I can think of to get gnomeapplet and I have gnome-panel-3 and gnome-applets-2 but it doesn't seem to help. My DE is Xfce.

Any ideas?

Last edited by CaptainKirk (2011-05-04 09:58:46)


#2 2011-05-03 19:22:20

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

I of course tried to remove that line 22 but it just makes more errors about gnomeapplet missing...


#3 2011-05-03 19:41:59

From: the pub
Registered: 2009-04-14
Posts: 1,772

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

The link you have provided clearly states that it does not work with gnome3.  The title of your post says gnome3.   Are you using it with gnome3?  If so it won't work according to the info you have provided.

All men have stood for freedom...
For freedom is the man that will turn the world upside down.
Gerrard Winstanley.


#4 2011-05-03 19:49:21

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

I don't use Gnome at all. I actually now have gnome 3 installed and also several components of gnome2. I run Xfce and the ONLY reason I even have Gnome installed is for Hamster. I would be happy to remove gnome 2 and gnome 3 but it seems I need gnomeapplet.

The odd thing is that his update post (at the bottom) notes that he had to remove "import gnomeapplet" from his script but I am running into this issue with hamster itself.

Running his tray script gives me even MORE errors. sad


#5 2011-05-03 19:51:57

From: the pub
Registered: 2009-04-14
Posts: 1,772

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

The page says that gnome 3.02 *may* be supported.

All men have stood for freedom...
For freedom is the man that will turn the world upside down.
Gerrard Winstanley.


#6 2011-05-04 09:56:32

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

Answer appears to be that for this solution posted by janhouse, you must compile Hamster and then edit the .py file as per his update and then it works. But it indeed works as advertised!

Perhaps rebooting also helped--anyhow in the end, his steps worked perfectly.


#7 2011-05-04 10:03:39

From: Bucharest, Romania
Registered: 2006-07-05
Posts: 5,941

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

hamster-applet has been dropped. it doesn't work anymore

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#8 2011-05-04 10:07:03

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

Not sure exactly what you're trying to communicate--whereas you are correct that hamster-applet has been dropped and is not part of Gnome 3, my first post in this thread has a link to a blog post explaining how one can compile hamster-applet from the source code and then run it. Can be run in a regular window or even in the system tray, using the script from that blog post. Have a look there because it's really excellent what he has done--now I have hamster-applet running again on my Xfce system.


#9 2011-05-04 10:19:12

From: Bucharest, Romania
Registered: 2006-07-05
Posts: 5,941

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

that guy is simple wrong smile

you can just get the pkgbuild and updated to an unreleased unstable version 2.91.2 and i think it will work smile

i really like how some users write blog posts and try awful things instead of reporting bugs.

Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.


#10 2011-05-04 10:24:56

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

Hi. I do see that you appear to be more of an expert in this than he or me. I would like to try your method but I don't know where to find the pkgbuild for hamster and I don't follow what exactly I should upgrade to 2.91.2. sad

Could you please give me more details? I don't have any experience with this type of thing so if you could really spell it out clearly for a noob, then I will give it a try. smile

Thank you for your help!


#11 2011-05-04 10:32:20

From: Bucharest, Romania
Registered: 2006-07-05
Posts: 5,941

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

svn checkout --depth=empty svn://
cd packages
svn up hamster-applet -r122153

if you want you can submit it to aur

Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.


#12 2011-05-04 11:11:51

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

I presume you meant to then run makepkg, which I did, but it fails:

[kirk@arch trunk]$ makepkg
==> Making package: hamster-applet 2.32.1-1 (Wed May  4 13:40:04 IDT 2011)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Missing Dependencies:
  -> python-pysqlite>=2.6.0
  -> python-gnomeapplet
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
[kirk@arch trunk]$ sudo pacman -S python-gnomeapplet 
error: target not found: python-gnomeapplet
[kirk@arch trunk]$ yaourt python-gnomeapplet 
[kirk@arch trunk]$ 

The solution from janhouse may not be 100% correct (don't know why) but it certainly works--I'm using Hamster based on his script. smile


#13 2011-05-04 11:20:23

From: Bucharest, Romania
Registered: 2006-07-05
Posts: 5,941

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

yeah but i told you to update to 2.91.2 … .2.tar.bz2

just remove the missing dependencies.

Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.


#14 2011-05-04 11:36:49

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

I'm afraid I still don't follow you. Last time I did the commands exactly like you said.

OK, I downloaded that file and I have the full source code etc. Not sure why this is different than what I got via git from the projecthamster site itself. Anyhow the instructions are the same--to run waf to compile. So I did that and now it does appear in my xfApplet list of applets but when I try to add it I get:

An internal error occurred and the applet could not be loaded.

As far as removing dependencies I don't know how. I ran

grep -r 'python-gnomeapplet' *.*
grep -r 'python-gnomeapplet' *.

but no results found...


#15 2011-05-04 14:24:01

From: Bucharest, Romania
Registered: 2006-07-05
Posts: 5,941

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

of of of. do you know what is a PKGBUILD and what to do with it?

Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.


#16 2011-05-04 14:32:52

Registered: 2009-06-07
Posts: 393

Re: [solved] Can't Run Hamster in Xfce (with Gnome 3)

No I do not.


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