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Hi there.
I've had some serious trouble with my nVidia 8800GT lately. It was as if as soon as I ran something GFX expensive, such as a game, the screen would freeze, and alot of weird pixel figures would appear all over the screen in (usually) red color.
So I thought, what the heck, and borrowed another nVidia 8800GT from a friend. It worked perfectly for a month or so, but then the exact same thing happened last week!
At first I thought it was a problem with my Linux (on my HDD), but the problem appeared during a live disc as well, so it had to be the GFX card.
So basically what I'm asking for is if somebody could think of a reason the same thing has happened to two 8800GT cards.
Or can somebody recommend a new GFX card (nVidia)? The price range should be around $350-400.
Thanks for your input.
If it happened on 2 GPU's it could be something else in your PC, PSU maybe? It could be anything, but the exact same issue on 2 different GPU's sounds unlikely that it's the GPU. If you're after a new nvidia GPU anyway your better off just researching yourself by reviews and gaming benchmarks. But in your price range the GTX 570 is the only one
My first 8800gt lasted about two years then the same issues as you are describing began to crop up. I RMA'd it and the card I received back lasted about 6months, RMA'd that one as well, and its replacement lasted a week. All had the same issues as you described (video artifacts--->hard freeze). I went ahead and bought a new card (460GTX) and so far it is working great.
I did some research and it seems that the 8800gt is prone to running hot.
Last edited by ugkbunb (2011-05-04 03:38:18)
sudokill: I haven't been able to produce the same hard freeze with my current 8600GT replacement.
ugkbunb: Interesting. Seems that I just need to get me a new GFX card.
Thanks for your input!
I use the same card as ugkbunb (GTX 460) and it works great no problems at all. You could always wait until the 580 comes down a bit to your price range, which probably won't be for a while either that or get the 570 both are very fast cards. 460's are cheap, about £100 what's that in dollars about $60? They play games pretty well, good on power and quiet. All depends on what games you play
I've decided to get the GTX 460.
Thanks for your feedback guys! It costed around $300 (if $1 = 5DKK that is), but it seems that it's quite a nice way forward compared to the old 8800GT.
... about £100 what's that in dollars about $60? ...
I wish. I assume we are talking Pound Sterling? That is more like US$160.00
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lol yep I got it the wrong way round anyway GTX460 is a nice upgrade from 8800, and I haven't heard of many problems with them
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