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I am used to have the clock at hte upper right corner. Moreover, I don't find the user menu useful, so I wanted to remove it and place the clock to the right instead.
Here is how to do it:
Open dconf-editor (note that gconf-editor does not work)
Browse to org.gnome.gnome-panel.layout and edit the object-id-list removing 'user-menu' from the list.
The user menu should disappear immediatly (else you might need a session restart)
For moving the clock, go to org.gnome.gnome-panel.layout.objects.clock and change pack-type from center to end.
The change does not happen automatically, you need at least to remove it from org.gnome.gnome-panel.layout object-id-list and
readd it to see the effect.
or you can just press alt and right click on them
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The right click menu only contains Copy the hour, copy the date and clock preferences
I haven't checked, but have you added this to the wiki ? (GNOME 3 page)
Yes, but together with Alt it contains "Move" and "Remove from panel". Alas, dconf-editor contains many interesting things.
I tried with Alt, Ctrl, Meta... There's no move or remove anywhere. Maybe it appears only with gnome-shell and not with fallback?
I tried with Alt, Ctrl, Meta... There's no move or remove anywhere. Maybe it appears only with gnome-shell and not with fallback?
It only appears in fallback. When i was using fallback, however, I wasn't able to get the alt+right-click menu to appear while Compiz was running.