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After torturing my computer with LFS for a while, I stumbled across Archiso. It's quite useful, and I was hoping to build my customized install disk with it.
I made a custom build script (makefiles on the Wiki were broken), and it works properly:
ARCH="`uname -m`"
PACKAGES="`cat packages.list`"
mkarchiso -v -D "${INSTALL_DIR}" -p "${PACKAGES}" create "${WORK_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${WORK_DIR}/iso/${INSTALL_DIR}/boot/${ARCH}"
cp "${WORK_DIR}/root-image/boot/System.map26" "${WORK_DIR}/iso/${INSTALL_DIR}/boot/${ARCH}/"
cp "${WORK_DIR}/root-image/boot/vmlinuz26" "${WORK_DIR}/iso/${INSTALL_DIR}/boot/${ARCH}/"
mkdir -p "${WORK_DIR}/iso/${INSTALL_DIR}/boot/${ARCH}/"
mkdir -p "${WORK_DIR}/iso/syslinux"
cp -r "${WORK_DIR}/root-image/boot" "${WORK_DIR}/iso/"
cp -r "boot-files/"* "${WORK_DIR}/iso/"
cp -r "boot-files/"* "${WORK_DIR}/iso/boot/"
cp -PR "${WORK_DIR}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/"*.c32 "${WORK_DIR}/iso/syslinux/"
cp -PR "${WORK_DIR}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin" "${WORK_DIR}/iso/syslinux/"
cp -PR "${WORK_DIR}/iso/syslinux/" "${WORK_DIR}/iso/${INSTALL_DIR}/syslinux/"
sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${NAME}|g" -i "${WORK_DIR}/iso/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg" -i "${WORK_DIR}/iso/syslinux/syslinux.cfg"
sed "s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${INSTALL_DIR}|g" -i "${WORK_DIR}/iso/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg" -i "${WORK_DIR}/iso/syslinux/syslinux.cfg"
sed "s|%ARCH%|${ARCH}|g;" -i "${WORK_DIR}/iso/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg" -i "${WORK_DIR}/iso/syslinux/syslinux.cfg"
mkinitcpio -v -c "mkinitcpio.conf" -b "${WORK_DIR}/root-image" -k "`cat ${KVER_FILE} | grep "^ALL_kver='" | sed "s|ALL_kver='||" | sed "s|'||"`" -g "${WORK_DIR}/iso/${INSTALL_DIR}/boot/${ARCH}/archiso.img"
cp -r "overlay" "${WORK_DIR}/"
sed "s|@ARCH@|${ARCH}|g" isomounts > "${WORK_DIR}/iso/${INSTALL_DIR}/isomounts"
mkarchiso -v -D "${INSTALL_DIR}" -c "xz" iso "${WORK_DIR}" "${FULLNAME}"
#rm -rf "${WORK_DIR}" "${FULLNAME}"
This is what I get when I boot the basic system outlined in the ArchWiki article on the Archiso (I used the same config files):
:: Running Hook [memdisk]
:: Running Hook [archiso]
:: Running Hook [archiso_pxe_nbd]
:: Running Hook [archiso_loop_mnt]
:: Uaiting for boot device...
Waiting 30 seconds for device /dev/disk/by-label/induction ...
ERROR: boot device didn't show up after 30 seconds...
Falling back to interactive prompt
You can try to fix the problem manually. Log out when you are finished
/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
[ramfs /]# _
My LFS system didn't need a disk label to boot, so I'm not sure what to tweak here. I'm booting the ISO via VirtualBox, using the Arch Linux x64 setting, but I doubt that has much to do with the problem.
Anyone know how I can get around this problem?
Last edited by Blender (2011-05-14 07:09:16)