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I hope I chose the correct forum.
So I am having this one weird problem:
Since my hard disk seems to be foo'd-up I chanced to tty1 and unmounted /home to run e2fsck on it.
I made some typing mistakes so I had to enter the command a few times.
After some time I realized, that my commands that I entered weren't displayed right away. The screen would just stay as it is. As if I'm not typing at all. Pressing the backspace button would result in a "Beep-beep-beep" as expected when theres nothing to delete anymore. Hitting enter a few times would result in displaying the command after a few empty prompts and then executing it.
Here is what happens:
I enter a command and nothing gets displayed -> I hit enter (sometimes a few times) and the command appears -> I hit enter (sometimes a few times) and the command gets executed.
And actually nearly always the system seems to freeze up after some time. I can change terminal (tty0-whatever) without any lag or problems and when in KDE everything seems to work. (Terminal (yakauke).
It's as if theres a enormous lag between my entered command and the system receiving it.
It is possible to execute some commands this way but there is something wrong for sure.
I hope I could explain it so that you understand what is happening on my system.
I also tried searching for this problem, but since it is so weird I hardly can describe it myself, I was also unable to find any other posts on this topic.
Does anybody have an idea what could cause this problem? There's enough RAM, swap and / space left.
Last edited by k3njiy (2011-05-15 19:26:32)
Are you running X. If so how do you start it?
Does the same problem present itself on tty2, tty3 etc?
Of course it could be related to your screwed hard disk.
All men have stood for freedom...
For freedom is the man that will turn the world upside down.
Gerrard Winstanley.
Hi loafer,
Yes I am running X. It is automatically started by kdm which i but into my rc.conf into the daemons array. Also the problem seems to be present on all ttys. But asI said I have no problems when running the terminal bash under kde.
Also I am not quite sure if the disk is screwed or just the fs. My system just seems to freeze up everytime I try to move certain files off of it. Thats why I whanted to run e2fsck to check it...
Ok, while changing kdm startup from rc.conf daemons to inittab i found, that also not the whole screen gets displayed. The bottom part of, in this case nano, just wasn't there...
it's as if my monitor doesn't show the whole output, just the top part and leaves away the bottom bit.
So I'm running fsck now, and everytime theres a msg i have to hit enter till the whole msg is displayed. As much as i can tell I also confirm whatever question fsck is asking me by hitting enter to see the rest of the msg. shift page up/down doesn't work (well up, but not down to the not displayed part)
So i am running fsck blind right now. (have backups )
Also I am running a dual monitor system with two quite different monitors (17 inch 4:3, and 21inch 16:9 (widescreen))
tty is displayed on the widescreen monitor.
UPDATE: entering clear everytime the screen fills up seems to help... So there must be a problem with my screen configuration....
anybody any ideas how to fix this problem?
Last edited by k3njiy (2011-05-15 20:03:25)
Pages: 1