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Apologies if this is addressed elsewhere. A quick search on forums and mailing list didn't reveal anything.
I just authorized this update:
core/kernel26 ->
but I notice:
>>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
>>> ----------------
>>> If you use LVM2, Encrypted root or software RAID,
>>> Ensure you enable support in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf .
>>> More information about mkinitcpio setup can be found here:
>>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
==> Building image "default"
==> Running command: /sbin/mkinitcpio -k 2.6.38-ARCH -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/kernel26.img
:: Begin build
:: Parsing hook [base]
:: Parsing hook [udev]
:: Parsing hook [autodetect]
:: Parsing hook [sata]
FATAL: Hook 'mdadm' can not be found.
Yet the mdadm hook is in the same place it's always been:
$ ls -l /lib/initcpio/*/mdadm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 23 03:41 /lib/initcpio/hooks/mdadm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 23 03:41 /lib/initcpio/install/mdadm
Anyone have any insight into what's happening? I can't boot this machine without software raid.
Last edited by Profjim (2011-05-30 10:19:11)
OK, the lack of response was useful, it testified to this being a problem idiosyncratic to my configuration. I think there was some filesystem corruption affecting the /lib/initcpio/hooks/mdadm file; reinstalling mdadm fixed everything.