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Posting Guidelines
· DO NOT post full resolution screenshots! You can use the "mogrify" command (pacman -S imagemagick) to make a thumbnail of your screenshot:
$ cp screenie.png thumb-screenie.png
$ mogrify -resize 250x250 thumb-screenie.png
Sizes Twenty percent of the original size is great for 1024x768 screenies. For bigger sizes (and especially for multi-monitor setups), we ask you to keep in mind not everyone uses broadband, and use an even smaller size (10% of a Full HD setup will still be 192x180, for example). NOTE: Anything wider than 250px or over 50Kb in size will be removed.
You can then upload these images to your server and use the following code to show them on the forum:
*Thanks to Thayer for the screenie (more...)
· Several websites offer free image hosting.
Use the "thumbnail for forums" link code that is supplied by the image host to post your thumbnail link.
· Once the new month begins please do not post new screenies in the old threads.
· If the screenshot has questionable material that might not be safe to view while at work or in a school setting, please post only a link and not a thumbnail, along with a mention of "Not Safe for Work". Posts that do not adhere to this are subject to deletion without notice at any time.
· Please try to include any links to your wallpaper or configs that you may have and/or the names of your icon theme, running apps, DE, etc. in the same post to reduce unnecessary clutter later.
***** Your screenshot will be replaced by a reminder if you do not follow these guidelines *****
* As a simple way to include information about your setup in the screenshot, you can use a tool like Archey, screenfetch or screenfo (all in AUR) to print out details about your window manager, font, shell etc., with a very attractive ASCII Arch logo...
The usual suspect. Configs in signature.
Wallpaper please?
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
Bmpanel2 theme?
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
na12 wrote:
Bmpanel2 theme?
Sandstorm, it says "openbox" in his menu. And here: >> #dotshare@freenode
Still rocking wmii... since 2005!
Seen in these screenshots:
wmii-hg configured with Ruby, Zenburn colors, and Unicode icons
vim configured with xoria256 colors and Tamsyn font
urxvt configured with xoria256 terminal color scheme
zsh configured with OH MY ZSHELL and zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search
plus other dotfiles
Last edited by sunaku (2011-06-04 21:14:36)
Really nice wmii desk sunaku.
XMonad and a Dzen statusbar
Last edited by Paul-S (2011-06-01 19:44:53)
Him, could you please post the source code for your terminal color scheme printing script? I like its compactness.
Last edited by sunaku (2011-06-01 21:12:42)
Him, could you please post the source code for your terminal color scheme printing script? I like its compactness.
# ANSI Color -- use these variables to easily have different color
# and format output. Make sure to output the reset sequence after
# colors (f = foreground, b = background), and use the 'off'
# feature for anything you turn on.
blackf="${esc}[30m"; redf="${esc}[31m"; greenf="${esc}[32m"
yellowf="${esc}[33m" bluef="${esc}[34m"; purplef="${esc}[35m"
cyanf="${esc}[36m"; whitef="${esc}[37m"
blackb="${esc}[40m"; redb="${esc}[41m"; greenb="${esc}[42m"
yellowb="${esc}[43m" blueb="${esc}[44m"; purpleb="${esc}[45m"
cyanb="${esc}[46m"; whiteb="${esc}[47m"
boldon="${esc}[1m"; boldoff="${esc}[22m"
italicson="${esc}[3m"; italicsoff="${esc}[23m"
ulon="${esc}[4m"; uloff="${esc}[24m"
invon="${esc}[7m"; invoff="${esc}[27m"
# note in this first use that switching colors doesn't require a reset
# first - the new color overrides the old one.
cat << EOF
${redf}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${greenf}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${yellowf}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${bluef}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${purplef}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${cyanf}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset}
${boldon}${blackf} :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::${reset}
${boldon}${redf}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${boldon}${greenf}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${boldon}${yellowf}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${boldon}${bluef}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${boldon}${purplef}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset} ${boldon}${cyanf}▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆${reset}
A world without what makes us, us. One without you or me.
A world with no differences, this is the world I see.