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Very nice tags/views you have there. Would you mind sharing the icons please?
Cheers. >> #dotshare@freenode
Very nice tags/views you have there. Would you mind sharing the icons please?
I modified terminus-font and added the icons (I drew them). It's kinda hackish, but it works. I made it into an AUR package,
Last edited by stlarch (2011-06-21 12:47:49)
stlarch wrote:dipilibupap wrote:Very nice tags/views you have there. Would you mind sharing the icons please?
I modified terminus-font and added the icons (I drew them). It's kinda hackish, but it works. I made it into an AUR package,
Nice work. Did you use psfutils or nafe ( ) or something else? I'll give modifying my belowed Monte Carlo font a shot.
Here my desktop with awesome:, with wombat theme.
Urxvt theme taken from jasonwryan
Newsbetter, irssi, Hacker-top (Hacker News reader), Tyrs (Twitter client), Vimperator (Firefox), tig (for git) and vim.
Gorgeous! What's your wallpaper?
Which of jasonwryan's colour themes is that? I really like it.
Nice work. Did you use psfutils or nafe ( ) or something else? I'll give modifying my belowed Monte Carlo font a shot.
Thanks. I used bdfedit to draw them. You can use gbdfed also. You'll need pcf2bdf too. Lokaltog has a brief tutorial in the dwm hackers thread, . I used his as examples for many of them.
Mobo: MSI MAG X570S TORPEDO MAX // Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @4.9GHz // GFX: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT // RAM: 32GB (4x 8GB) Corsair DDR4 (@ 3000MHz) // Storage: 1x 3TB HDD, 6x 1TB SSD, 2x 120GB SSD, 1x 275GB M2 SSD
Making lemonade from lemons since 2015.
Running Talon on you Captivate or i9000? #offtopic
archlinux on Macbook Pro 10,1
Here my desktop with awesome:, with wombat theme.
Urxvt theme taken from jasonwryan
Newsbetter, irssi, Hacker-top (Hacker News reader), Tyrs (Twitter client), Vimperator (Firefox), tig (for git) and vim.
what terminal font is that? thanks
aqamar wrote:Hund wrote:Can you share your wmfsrc?
Nic0 wrote:Hi,
Here my desktop with awesome:, with wombat theme.
Urxvt theme taken from jasonwryan
Newsbetter, irssi, Hacker-top (Hacker News reader), Tyrs (Twitter client), Vimperator (Firefox), tig (for git) and vim.Gorgeous! What's your wallpaper?
Which of jasonwryan's colour themes is that? I really like it.
Here the wallpaper (2560x1024)
The jasonwryan's colour theme It's the one call 'dark', I really like it too.
what terminal font is that? thanks
URxvt.font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=15:antialias=false
I used to have 'inconsolata', wich is nice as well.
Last edited by Nic0 (2011-06-22 05:31:48)
New CWM screenshot, with this time conky instead of dzen :
Now these are some really nice colours there - well done.
MadCatMk2 wrote:Running Talon on you Captivate or i9000? #offtopic
/* A i9000 and I used to. The last version of my rom came with semaphore kernel which worked fine for me so I haven't gone back to talon yet. */
What font is that?On your github in your .Xdefaults i saw something like --iris-* but I can't find that font anywhere..
What font is that?On your github in your .Xdefaults i saw something like --iris-* but I can't find that font anywhere..
It's part of the sgi-fonts from Silicon Graphics. Search for sgi-fonts.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
@MrMars: I can't believe that's a KDE system! I never liked KDE mostly because of its appearance, but your desktop is impressive! Very nice indeed!
Could you tell us more about your setup? For example, the theme or icons you're using; Is that the KDE panel what you have on top?
MrMars wrote:@MrMars: I can't believe that's a KDE system! I never liked KDE mostly because of its appearance, but your desktop is impressive! Very nice indeed!
Could you tell us more about your setup? For example, the theme or icons you're using; Is that the KDE panel what you have on top?
yep, top is a kde-panel, with mpd-plasmoid and menu-plasmoid (plus some default thingies)
dock is called daisy, it is a plasmoid, available on
plasma theme (panel, etc.) is called produkt,
the qtcurve theme (the grey app theme) is a qtcurve theme i made myself, that I'll MAYBE share...
icons are Hycons+FaenzaCupertino 4 kde (by myself, i just ported them from gnome to kde, actually)
and on the right there's a conky-lua.
that's it, I think
A mid-month change, after getting widgets set up:
It totally rocks!
you should share:
-widgets (only if the lower ones are widgets, if it's a conky never mind, i could make it)
It totally rocks!
you should share:
-widgets (only if the lower ones are widgets, if it's a conky never mind, i could make it)
Thanks. Nope, it's all Awesome w/ Vicious. I actually plan on contributing to the new once I've cleaned up lua.rc a little and gotten one last widget tweaked properly. Got's ta help build up them community projects when I can.
A mid-month change, after getting widgets set up:
All glory to the hypnotoad!