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dmz, that's ridiculous (that means niiiiiice!)
Last edited by stlarch (2011-06-12 15:14:40)
That's a very nice Japanese font! I'm only just starting to learn how to read it, care to share that font? I'd love it if reading Japanese on my screen doesn't make me cringe because of the bitmap font mixed with my aliased fonts anymore....
The font is VL Gothic, you can find it in the repos of most modern Linux distributions.
About the reading part, I have my Emacs set to use 2 different fonts, one for normal text (DejaVu Sans Mono at a decent size of 10-12pt) and a larger one for japanese. I did this because if I were to use only one global font, I would have to make a choice between reading japanese with a magnifying glass or have huge text anywhere.
Last edited by Lich (2011-06-12 14:54:37)
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
I've gradually been getting more and more things into a unified yellow-and-black look in XMonad:
Busy (trying to learn C...):
I love the thin bottom panel here. Is that conky or xmobar? I've been thinking about doing a bottom panel on my desktop but have been kind of at a loss for ideas on what to put there.. thank you for some inspiration!
Desktop: Arch Linux | AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+ | 3GB RAM | GeForce 6800 XT 512MB | 1TB+
Audio Studio: XP SP3 | Intel Pentium 4 3GHz Prescott | 1GB DDR | GeForce 6800 128MB | 120GB
Hi is it conky? Can you share your setting. Thanks
Sorry for my english. It's not my native language..
SuNjACk wrote:Hi is it conky? Can you share your setting. Thanks
I've posted it in the conky thread
owain wrote:I've gradually been getting more and more things into a unified yellow-and-black look in XMonad:
Busy (trying to learn C...): love the thin bottom panel here. Is that conky or xmobar? I've been thinking about doing a bottom panel on my desktop but have been kind of at a loss for ideas on what to put there.. thank you for some inspiration!
Thanks. It's conky piped into dzen2.
background no
out_to_console yes
out_to_x no
update_interval 1
total_run_times 0
use_spacer none
short_units yes
if_up_strictness link
^ca(1,urxvtc -name centerfloat -e bash -c 'cal -y; read _')^ca(3,urxvtc -e bash -c "echo 'Loading Google Calendar...'; gcalcli --details --ignore-started calw 2; echo 'Press enter to exit'; read _")^fg(\#ddaa11)${time %a %b %d %k:%M}^fg()^ca()^ca() ^pa(110)^ca(1,urxvtc -e bash -c 'wicd-curses')${if_up wlan0}^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/wifi_01.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${wireless_essid wlan0} ${addr wlan0} ^pa(245)${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}% ^pa(280)${wireless_bitrate wlan0}^fg()^ca() ^pa(340)^ca(1,urxvtc -e bash -c 'sudo /usr/bin/nethogs wlan0')^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/net_down_03.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${downspeedf wlan0}KB^fg() ^pa(405)^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/net_up_03.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${upspeedf wlan0}KB^fg()^ca()${else}${if_up eth0}^pa(120)^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/net_wired.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${addr eth0}^ca() ^pa(225)^ca(1,urxvtc -e bash -c 'sudo /usr/bin/nethogs eth0')^fg()^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/net_down_03.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${downspeedf eth0}KB^fg() ^pa(290)^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/net_up_03.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${upspeedf eth0}KB^fg()^ca()${else}^pa(120)[network down]^ca()${endif}${endif} ^pa(475)^ca(1,/home/owain/bin/cpufreq)^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/cpu.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${hwmon temp 1}C ${freq_g 0}GHz ${cpu cpu0}%^ca() ^pa(605)^ca(1,urxvtc -e htop)${loadavg 1}/${loadavg 2}/${loadavg 3}^fg() ^pa(710)^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/mem.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${mem}^fg()^ca() ^pa(780)^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/diskette.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${exec netcat localhost 7634 | cut -c 33-34 }C^fg() / ^fg(\#ddaa11)${fs_used_perc /}%^fg() /var ^fg(\#ddaa11)${fs_used_perc /var}%^fg() /home ^fg(\#ddaa11)${fs_used_perc /home}%^fg() ^pa(1010)^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/mail.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${new_mails /home/owain/Maildir 300}^fg() ^pa(1050)^ca(1,killall pavucontrol || pavucontrol)^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/spkr_01.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${exec echo $(($(pacmd dump | grep "set-sink-volume alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo" | cut -d " " -f 3)*100/65536))}%^fg()^ca()^pa(1110)^ca(1,bash -c 'if [[ ! `pgrep fullupdate` ]]; then /home/owain/bin/fullupdate; fi')^i(/usr/share/icons/sm4tik/pacman.xbm) ^fg(\#ddaa11)${exec cat /home/owain/.paconky.result}^fg()^ca()
Horribly unreadable, I know, but there's several clickable areas in there, mostly opening things in urxvt:
Date/time: left-click for cal, right-click for gcalcli showing a fortnight calendar
SSID/IP: wicd-curses
Network speed: nethogs
CPU stats: cpufreq (below)
Load averages: htop
Volume: show/kill pavucontrol
Pacman stats: fullupdate (below)
/home/owain/bin/cpufreq (choose cpuf governor via zenity):
sudo /usr/bin/cpufreq-set -r -g $(cpufreq-info -g | sed 's| |\n|g' | zenity --title 'cpufreq-set' --text "Current governor: "$(cpufreq-info -p | cut -d ' ' -f 3) --list --column "Choose governor:" 2>/dev/null)
if [[ "$(cpufreq-info -p | cut -d ' ' -f 3)" = "ondemand" ]]; then
sudo cpufreq-threshold 50
/home/owain/bin/fullupdate (packer -Syu in floating terminal):
if [[ ! $(/usr/bin/pgrep "packer|pacman") ]]; then
echo "Updating..." > /home/owain/.paconky.result
urxvtc -title "Full update" -si -sh 50 -fn "xft:Liberation Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=11" \
-fb "xft:Liberation Mono:style=Bold:pixelsize=11" -fade 50 -name update \
-e bash -c 'xdotool key super+a; script -c "sudo packer -Syyu" \
/home/owain/logs/fullupdate/fullupdate-"$(date +%Y-%b-%d-%H%M)".log; read _'
transset-df --dec 0.2 -n "Full update"
echo "fullupdate cannot continue - another instance of pacman is running"
exit 1
while [[ $(/usr/bin/pgrep -f "pacman|packer|paconky") ]]; do sleep 1; done
ionice -c 3 /home/owain/bin/paconky-dzen
...the last line of which calls this, which is also run as a cron job:
echo "Paconky running..." > $RESULTS
/usr/bin/paconky $RCFILE 1> $TEMPFILE
if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then
if [[ $(cat $TEMPFILE) == "Pacman OK, AUR OK" ]]; then
echo "System up-to-date" > $RESULTS
rm $RESULTS.old
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!
What font are you using in the terminal?
sam87 wrote:
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!What font are you using in the terminal?
montecarlo FTW!!
what i cannot build, i do not understand
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!
Oh man this looks great! You just made me want to redo my wmfs setup. Mind sharing the background?
Reg. #535631
sam87 wrote:
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!Oh man this looks great! You just made me want to redo my wmfs setup. Mind sharing the background?
thanks, tis the greatest wm in IMO! here you go
what i cannot build, i do not understand
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!
Man.. I'm just setting up subtle as my first tiler, but you make me want to switch already!
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
sam87 wrote:
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!Man.. I'm just setting up subtle as my first tiler, but you make me want to switch already!
Two completely different WM's really. Auto and Manual tiling.. >> #dotshare@freenode
sam87 wrote:
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!Man.. I'm just setting up subtle as my first tiler, but you make me want to switch already!
There is nothing whatsoever preventing you from achieving that exact layout in Subtle.
Unia wrote:sam87 wrote:
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!Man.. I'm just setting up subtle as my first tiler, but you make me want to switch already!
Two completely different WM's really. Auto and Manual tiling..
So? That won't make me unable to work with it.
Unia wrote:sam87 wrote:
i think this is where i stop customizing my netbook..for now, am happy with how it's turned out..wmfs as usual FTW!Man.. I'm just setting up subtle as my first tiler, but you make me want to switch already!
There is nothing whatsoever preventing you from achieving that exact layout in Subtle.
I've just barely scratched the surface of subtle, am still setting up my machine so theming will come later. I'll have a try once I get the time for it!
Last edited by Unia (2011-06-13 14:01:31)
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
thanks, here's my wmfsrc. If you need any more details just let me know
what i cannot build, i do not understand
Something I cooked up. As usual. Openbox, with some simple mods to the excellent Arkid, and Fundamental Round 2.
Awesome wallpaper! Please share the URL.
My first Arch setup in a while, on my macbook. My netbook is currently undergoing customization and then it will be ready for show.
My rather blank work desktop just monitoring mine and my friends minecraft server. Usually this is filled with actual work but being off from school is stunting my desire to do coding and web design right now.
And to escape from work and other stuff some good ol minecraft.
Here's mine, changed it a bit from last month. Had Yukari from Touhou on my May one, but I got sick of that, so I changed it to this one. Please note, this is the clean version. I'd rather not post my window cluttered version.
Huge fan of VGCats, huge huge fan...
Wallpaper is from
By the way, if anyone here goes to GBAtemp, theres a similar picture there too. I did not steal it from the Nimbus there, we're the same person.
Environment/Window Manager: Openbox
Openbox theme: Orangine
GTK3 Theme (Not Shown): Zukitwo
Icon Theme: Faenza (Cant seem to get it to work proper with the dock though
Dock: Avant-Window-Manager (Damn you Docky for not having a systray!). Using the glassy theme
Conky: System (Bottom), Top 10 Processes (Upper Right), Weather (Below Processes)
Gnome Icon on dock is Gnomenu, not sure why I bother using it since I use the openbox right click menu anyway.
Lol...inbred Chocobos.
Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.
-- Elbert Hubbard
OpenBox3 + KDE4.6 + Xfce4.8 User
What font is that?