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Hi Everyone,
I have been reading through "Kernel Compilation from Source for New Users".
Here: … sers_Guide
With the view to compile my own Kernel (For educational reasons). However, I seemed to have
stumbled at step 2). of the 'step by step' guide. I can't find a '.config' file on my system!
Can i generate this file on my system some how?
Do i need to download a '.config' file from somewhere?
Please help.
Regards, PollyMath.
Last edited by PollyMath (2011-06-03 07:10:37)
zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
Arch64/DWM || My Dropbox referral link
Hi JokerBoy,
Thank you for your response. "zcat /proc/config.gz > ~/.config" got me my 'config' file.
Regards, PollyMath.