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Get the following while attempting to install xmonad on a fresh arch setup.
$ sudo pacman -Syu xmonad xmonad-contrib
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
archlinuxfr is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: flashplugin-prerelease: local ( is newer than archlinuxfr (
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-utf8-string=0.3.6", a dependency of "xmonad"
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-utf8-string=0.3.6", a dependency of "xmonad-contrib"
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-utf8-string=0.3.6", a dependency of "xmonad"
warning: cannot resolve "haskell-utf8-string=0.3.6", a dependency of "haskell-x11-xft"
:: The following packages cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
xmonad xmonad-contrib
Do you want to skip the above packages for this upgrade? [y/N] N
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: xmonad: requires haskell-utf8-string=0.3.6
:: xmonad-contrib: requires haskell-utf8-string=0.3.6
:: xmonad: requires haskell-utf8-string=0.3.6
:: haskell-x11-xft: requires haskell-utf8-string=0.3.6
Last edited by acewin (2011-06-28 17:59:44)
I can verify that this has been a problem since at least yesterday as I had encountered the same thing while doing a fresh system installation. I had done another fresh installation several days ago and it seemed to be working fine, which leads me to believe that the problem is something recent.
I've installed Arch and XMonad many times in the past without encountering this issue, which leads me to believe it's a package problem and not a user error.
EDIT: I noticed that haskell-utf8-string was in the community-testing repository, so I added that (which I usually leave off). When I tried to add haskell-utf8-string it wanted ghc 7.0.3-2, which is still in "testing" according to the package database.
Last edited by CohibaMan (2011-06-23 15:21:49)
Yep I have the same issue ...
Indeed, I have the same issue.
haskell-utf8-string is not in any repo.
which would you choose: A god that never answers you or a society that embraces you?
Just created for this.
I'm also seeing this issue on a fresh install. I've been trying to install this since 2 days ago.
Same issue here...
I also have the same issue. I have tried install it via Haskell cabal with no avail.
I should say the issue has been fixed. See