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#1 2011-07-09 07:13:04

From: Kyiv
Registered: 2011-07-09
Posts: 13

[SOLVED] Logitech BT mouse & keyboard against the latest bluez-4.95


My MX 5500 (BT usb dongle + keyboard + mouse) stopped driving mouse pointer and typing characters after the latest upgrade. Instead, new bluetooth adapter appeared.
Downgrading to bluez-4.94 returned the normal function of both the keyboard and mouse.

Thus, the new bluez stack recognizes the dongle, and takes over it. The older one ignores the dongle, and it exposes the keyboard and mouse as USB ones.
How can I configure the system to ignore the USB dongle of Logitech deliberately? I'd like to keep the previous behaviour.

Last edited by sakhnik (2011-07-09 18:11:40)


#2 2011-07-09 10:10:42

From: Germany
Registered: 2011-01-22
Posts: 23

Re: [SOLVED] Logitech BT mouse & keyboard against the latest bluez-4.95

I guess this is the problem: … 88015f2b31

Try to read the description carefully and try to revert the change if you really can't figure out a way to work around it.
I will have a look at it too, but just don't have time right now. I hope this link helps



#3 2011-07-09 10:44:40

From: Germany
Registered: 2011-01-22
Posts: 23

Re: [SOLVED] Logitech BT mouse & keyboard against the latest bluez-4.95

The hid2hci utility is very badly documented, so I am not exactly sure about it but I try to explain what it does:
Some bluetooth HID devices provide their own bluetooth dongle that is connected to the PC and which directly connects to your mouse. However, they hide the whole bluetooth stack and directly provide an HID device to the pc.
The hid2hci utility sets the dongle into HCI mode which allows to use it as bluetooth dongle directly and you need to connect to your mouse manually, now.

Try pressing the sync button on the back of your mouse and use bluetooth-applet (in package gnome-bluetooth) or some similar tool to connect to your mouse.

If you wanna avoid all that, try running:
hid2hci --mode=hid --method=logitech-hid --devpath=/dev/hiddevX
Where hiddevX shall be your logitech device.

Or just remove the file /lib/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rule or rename it.



#4 2011-07-09 18:10:18

From: Kyiv
Registered: 2011-07-09
Posts: 13

Re: [SOLVED] Logitech BT mouse & keyboard against the latest bluez-4.95

Thank you for the comprehensive response!


#5 2011-07-27 16:08:37

Registered: 2011-04-27
Posts: 299

Re: [SOLVED] Logitech BT mouse & keyboard against the latest bluez-4.95

I'm having the same issue here (installed bluez yesterday) and removin "/lib/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rule" works, but this is really a bad workaround. I would like to use a bluetooth applet to use hci-mode but can anybody tell me how to use the gnome-bluetooth applet or anything else without being able to log into my machine (without keyboard...)?

//Edit: OK, I was able to solve my issue, indeed I hadn't the bluetooth service running.
If anybody has the same issue, here is how I solved the problem (you need at least a working usb-mouse, here just for kde):
- Uninstall bluez
- enable bluetooth
- enable auto-login into kde
- install bluez and bluedevil (kde)
- reboot, plug in your usb-mouse
- go to systemsettings - bluetooth, there you should see a bluetooth-adapter
- click "look for new devices" and press the red button on your mouse/keyboard, they are then both recognized and you can use them

Last edited by matse (2011-07-27 17:54:02)


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