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#1 2011-07-24 06:53:45

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2011-04-29
Posts: 27

[Solved] Banshee output through ALSA but not to PulseAudio directly

When I open "Sound" of "System Settings" in GNOME3
Inside the tab "Applications", there's (only) the item "ALSA plug-in [mono]" when I'm using Banshee to play songs
But I remember that it used to be just "Banshee", which should mean that it output to PulseAudio directly
I don't think I have any special, related settings changed
So I just would like to ask if it's a workaround for some sort of bug or am I missing something that should be installed to make it work directly with Pulse?

Basically it's not really a problem/issue, because I don't find an obvious drop in quality so far, but I am just curious and would like to know the fact wink

Last edited by tom.yan (2011-08-11 05:46:58)


#2 2011-07-26 00:19:19

Registered: 2011-05-27
Posts: 13

Re: [Solved] Banshee output through ALSA but not to PulseAudio directly

in gnome 3 hit Alt+F2 and enter gstreamer-properties.  Change the Default Output settings to Pulse.


#3 2011-07-27 06:14:26

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2011-04-29
Posts: 27

Re: [Solved] Banshee output through ALSA but not to PulseAudio directly

The result is "Command not found" sad

Last edited by tom.yan (2011-07-27 06:17:15)


#4 2011-08-06 12:01:07

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2011-04-29
Posts: 27

Re: [Solved] Banshee output through ALSA but not to PulseAudio directly

ArchWiki is really a treasure.


#5 2011-08-10 15:24:16

Registered: 2011-07-07
Posts: 4

Re: [Solved] Banshee output through ALSA but not to PulseAudio directly

Easy answer... pulse doesnt playback sound. It a sound server it forwards the sound to ALSA ^^. So ofcourse the playback is Alsa smile


#6 2011-08-11 05:46:22

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2011-04-29
Posts: 27

Re: [Solved] Banshee output through ALSA but not to PulseAudio directly

Actually I've solved it myself by looking at the wiki page I posted.

I am not sure about what you said but PulseAudio doesn't require ALSA (alsa-lib, alsa-utils, sort of) to play sound except when with those applications that do not have direct support (now even Flash have that). But maybe the drivers for sound cards in Linux kernel could be said as a part of ALSA, then I am not sure about those stuff.

Last edited by tom.yan (2011-08-11 06:47:35)


#7 2011-08-11 07:04:12

Forum Fellow
From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,358

Re: [Solved] Banshee output through ALSA but not to PulseAudio directly

ALSA has kernel-side and user-side components, as you've mentioned yourself. Pulseaudio outputs to the kernel-side components (all the sound card drivers etc. are ALSA as well).

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