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I am trying to type "~" in urxvt but it simply won't show. Using vte it works fine. I also noticed it won't work in xterm either. Any solutions?
Last edited by awayand (2011-09-18 03:06:53)
It works just fine in my urxvt. Does it work in any of your other programs?
yes, as I said in vte it works fine. It also works in firefox, gvim, etc...
I think that it's a know bug with urxvt. It happens when the mouse isn't inside the window.
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I just tried typing ~ with the mouse inside the window but it won't work. Could it be window manager related? I am using dwm...
Use 'xev' or some similar tool to get a better look at your '~' key. Are you using it in some key combo or shortcut?
Last edited by karol (2011-07-30 13:48:32)
not sure what you mean by "get a better look", I tried xev and it does register/show the "~" key. However, it still won't show in urxvt nor xterm...
Does it work if you paste it?
Are you using a different shell in vte?
yes, it does work when I paste. I am using bash in vte (actually tilda, which uses vte). I also just noticed after googling lots and finding articles on the ubuntu forums, that my compose key (the right windows key I guess, next to my right "alt gr" key on my German keyboard does indeed output a tilda, but it's not really what I want, I want things to work predictably like in urxvt. Any idea where to change this?
I remember a similar issue quite some time ago which was remedied by a proper xorg.conf setup. Currently there is
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Keyboard Defaults"
MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "de,ru(winkeys),in"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:menu_toggle"
All keys work quite well in urxvt. However, the dead keys require a subsequent space key press. (But I think you are accustomed to this one.)
And, yes, in case it matters, in /etc/rc.conf I have: KEYMAP="de-latin1".
Last edited by bernarcher (2011-08-02 16:54:29)
To know or not to know ...
... the questions remain forever.
I tried your advice by renaming my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keyboard.conf to and creating 11-fixtilda.conf with your config inside, then restarting X, but still no dice. I get the same behavior as described.
If you are using Awesome, check … 51#p980651
worked like a charm, thanks, karol!
setxkbmap -variant nodeadkeys
fixed my issue. I can now use "~" in urxvt as expected.
Question: do you use ibus? This is a known bug in that software.
yes, in fact I do. thanks for the pointer, it is very helpful! I did realize I couldn't do any accents anymore, like it is needed in French for example, but I got too busy to actually research the issue. I will come back to the bug report and see what I need to do to make everything work so that I can use Japanese, French, Spanish, etc. without having to do any convoluted workarounds...
thanks again!