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The "What's Your Uptime?" thread inspired me to share this script. It keeps track of my uptime every day, deleting yesterday's entry unless today's is smaller. That way I get a log of longest uptimes.
# This should be called from cron once per day to log uptime
# Log format: 'MM/DD/YY up XX days'
uptime|grep -q days && DAYS="$(uptime|sed 's/.*up \([0-9]*\) days.*/\1/')"
# Delete the last line from the log unless we've rebooted
if [ -s $LOG ]; then
LAST="$(tail -n1 $LOG | sed 's/^.*up *\([0-9]*\) *days.*$/\1/')"
if [ -n "$LAST" ] && [[ $DAYS -ge $LAST ]]; then
sed -i '$ d' $LOG
# Log the current uptime
printf "$(date +%D) up %2d days\n" $DAYS >> $LOG
I save this as ~/bin/cron_uptime and run it with this crontab entry:
4 4 * * * $HOME/bin/cron_uptime
It's also here.
In the past three years, I've recorded one 50-day uptime, two in the 40s and three in the 30s. That was my Fedora system. I just now set it up on my Arch system. These numbers are actually artificially low because I feel compelled to reboot every time a kernel is released--which seems to happen fairly often.