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bought a "new" used CPU for my oooold mainboard. it was a pentium 4 and I put a pentium D in it. now I encounter problems with udev and random system freezes.
I thought this should work out of the box, but apparantly it doesn't.
What do I have to do when changing my CPU to make it work with my existing arch?
To test whether or not this is a hardware fault rather than an operating system fault simply boot a Live Linux CD or a Linux distro from a USB stick and see if that works. Better yet burn yourself a copy of the Ultimate Boot CD, run it and test the CPU with the CPU utilities. If everything seems to be OK then you might have to reload Arch, but I suspect you have a hardware fault.
Philosophy is looking for a black cat in a dark room. Metaphysics is looking for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there. Religion is looking for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there and shouting "I found it!". Science is looking for a black cat in a dark room with a flashlight.
I allready run a live-ubuntu and encountered no problem, but it was very fast and I didn't stress the cpu.
stange thing is, when I disable APIC in Bios, only one core gets used and the problem disapears.
I will make another live-cd test
Pages: 1